something's not right

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"Wow, he's super annoying," Hinata heard an unknown voice whisper. He whipped his head around, trying to spot the source of the voice. There was nothing but darkness surrounding the boy.

"Why does he try so hard? It's not worth the effort," another one said. That's strange, the voice sounded too familiar, like one he heard every day.

"He'll never be successful."

"He's pretty stupid."

"No wonder his father left him."

"He can't even maintain friends."

"Seriously, he has no natural gift. Must be sad."

"Why does he even bother? Nobody stays with him."


Hinata awoke with a start, sitting up too quickly, causing the room to spin more than the voices in his supposed dream. He exhaled sharply several times, realizing he was in his room. Sunlight had started to spill through his sheer curtains.

The young voice spoke again, this time sounding annoyed. "Get up, Shoyo. You have school today, remember?"

"Thank you, Natsu. I'll fix up your breakfast real quick." This answer satisfied his little sister and she left the room as quickly as she came. Once she was gone, Hinata sighed while raising a palm to his forehead--- another stupid nightmare.

The boy tried pushing these intrusive thoughts aside as he got ready for the day. His nightmare caused him to miss out on his morning run, which he was slightly disappointed about. His morning runs always helped him clear his head. He felt this was going to be a long day.

Hinata quickly untangled himself from his sheets, got dressed, and headed down the hall to their kitchen. He spotted Natsu watching TV from the living room couch, still in her pajamas. Her older brother got to making breakfast.

The high schooler made plenty of mini pancakes and bacon for his little sister. As he arranged the food on a plate, Hinata informed his sister that breakfast was ready. She quickly made her way to the counter to accept her breakfast with gratitude.

"Thanks, Sho! It smells so good!" She smiled up at him before taking a seat at the dining table.

"Enjoy it," he said simply. Hinata didn't let her know that she gave her all the food he cooked. He wasn't feeling hungry this morning, probably due to his nightmare. Plus his family had to be more strict with their money recently. He figured it wouldn't be too big of a deal and settled for a cup of coffee before leaving for school.

That morning, Hinata took his time getting to morning practice. He wanted to save his energy for practice since he didn't eat. In fact, he'd have to save all his energy for evening practice as well, coming to the bitter realization that he decided not to pack a lunch as well.

It's alright, he thought to himself, that'll teach me better self-discipline. If I can do this, I can do anything, he told himself.


"Hinata," Daichi called after their morning practice. Hinata flinched and whipped his head around. Daichi also flinched at his kouhai's sudden movement but didn't pay too much attention to it. "Would you mind cleaning up the gym this morning? Or would you prefer to do it this evening?"

"I'll do it right now!" Hinata insisted, immediately heading towards the volleyball cart to put in the equipment closet.

"Alright, thank you," Daichi murmured more to himself than anyone else. He was surprised at how swiftly Hinata had accepted his request. The captain watched the first-year in wonder before hesitantly leaving the gym.

something's not right - a haikyuu one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now