Chapter 5

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The docks were quiet, bathed in the silver light of the moon as the vigilante stood waiting in the shadows. His thoughts were a turbulent mix of anger, determination, and a growing sense of hopelessness that he fought to keep at bay. When Anna Ramirez arrived, her silhouette barely visible in the dim light, he stepped forward, his movements soundless on the worn planks beneath his feet.

"You're early," she said, her voice cutting through the stillness.

"I don't sleep much," he replied, the weight of everything unsaid hanging between them.

For a moment, they stood in silence, the only sound the soft lapping of the water against the dock. Finally, Ramirez spoke, her tone more gentle than he'd ever heard it. "I've been digging deeper into this ring. It's worse than we thought. They're not just selling videos—they're trafficking children. Boys, girls... They're being used, sold like property."

The vigilante's jaw clenched, his fists tightening at his sides. "And the law does nothing."

Ramirez hesitated before responding, the anguish clear in her voice. "We're doing what we can, but these people... they're careful, hidden. They have connections, protection in high places. It's like trying to take down a hydra—cut off one head, and two more take its place."

"Then we burn the whole thing down," he said coldly. "No more half measures."

She nodded slowly. "That's why I need you for this next part. We've tracked one of their operatives—a pimp who's known for moving underage girls. If we can get close to him, maybe we can find out where they're keeping the children, where they're being sold."

He was silent, waiting for her to continue. She looked at him, the tension in her shoulders visible even in the darkness. "I need you to go undercover. Pose as a buyer. Get him to trust you enough to reveal more about the operation."

He exhaled slowly, understanding the grim reality of what she was asking. "You want me to pretend to buy a child."

Ramirez looked away, unable to meet his gaze. "It's the only way we can get inside. If he thinks you're just another sick bastard, he might let his guard down."

The vigilante's mind raced, considering the implications, the risks. But he knew there was no other way. "Fine. I'll do it."

There was a long pause before Ramirez spoke again, her voice softer now. "You've never told me your name."

He looked at her, surprised by the sudden shift in the conversation. She met his gaze, her expression unreadable. "If we're going to do this together, I need to know who you are. Not just the man you've become, but the man you were."

For a moment, he hesitated, the name on the tip of his tongue, a ghost from a life long gone. But in this moment of darkness, he realized she deserved the truth. "It's Jason," he said quietly.

She nodded, the faintest trace of a smile touching her lips. "Thank you, Jason. For trusting me."

The next day, Jason found himself walking through a seedy part of the city, the kind of place where people kept their heads down and didn't ask questions. The instructions Ramirez had given him were clear: find the pimp, gain his trust, and gather as much information as possible.

The bar he entered was dimly lit, filled with the stench of stale beer and desperation. He scanned the room, his eyes landing on a man sitting in the corner, surrounded by a few thuggish-looking types. The man was short, with slicked-back hair and a smarmy grin that made Jason's skin crawl. This was his target.

Jason approached, his expression cold and detached. The pimp looked up as he neared, his grin widening. "You lost, pal? Or maybe you're here looking for something... special?"

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