Chapter 1

16 1 0

A/N: Sup' and yes I did revamp the story to make it so Percy gets the powers at 12 just before he heads to Yancy. I just decided to do it this morning. Also, he's kinda smart and quite vulgar soooooooooooooo. Also in this version, Gabe doesn't exist - I don't want to give that piece of crap a chance to live and also I don't think I can accurately describe this ugly deformed sack of shit.

Percy POV

Yawning, I got up to the sound of my alarm clock buzzing like a fucking war cannon. I bashed its brains in before rubbing my bleary eyes and preparing to nose-dive into another pleasant coma of dreams and rest when I spotted in the corner of my cornea a blue box with some text displayed on it.

'The fuck? Am I hallucinating? Did someone finally feed me a mix of magic mushrooms and crack? Not that I'm complaining - that was on my bucket list after all.' I thought. After swiping my hands in the blue box to no avail, I finally started to read it since there really was nothing else to do with it.

|| Welcome to THE GAME ||

HP and MP have been restored to 100% because you slept in a comfortable bed. All negative statuses and ailments have been cured.





[LVL]: 5 (1500/2000)

[HP]: 1000/1000

[MP]: 750/750

[MP REGEN]: 75MP/min - This increases by 20% every 10 [WIS]

[STR]: 8 [+3] = 11

[VIT]: 10 [+3] = 13

[DEX]: 15 [+3] = 18

[INT]: 12

[WIS]: 9

[LUC]: 5

[AP]: 0 (Ability Points)

[PP]: 3 (Perk Points)

$0/0D (Drachma)

Percy Jackson is the son of the Greek god Poseidon - the Earthshaker, Stormbringer and Lord of the Seas and Sally Jackson, one of the most pure-hearted mortals on Earth. He is a demigod and as such is more powerful than the average mortal.

Due to his heritage he gains +3 in STR, VIT and DEX and has ADHD for battle and dyslexia as he is hardwired to read Ancient Greek. His heritage as the son of Poseidon allows him to gain a boost of +1000 [HP] and [MP]. As he is a demigod, he also gives off a scent which allows monsters from Greek Mythology to track him. The scent grows stronger as he does.

He is cunning and clever while also quite acrobatic due to his high DEX.

Likes: Mom, Blue Food

Dislikes: Mr. Ronny (3rd grade English Teacher), His dad

I blinked. I blinked again. Don't tell me you wouldn't do the exact same thing in this situation because I had an absolute BOMBSHELL dropped on me.

My dad is a fucking god?! The fuck?! My mom wooed a damn god? You kidding? And how come this jackass is a god and can't fucking call me once in a while? I get he is probably busy controlling and managing the seas but you're telling me this bitch can't even talk to me once in my whole damn 12 years of life? And I'm a demigod? Do I get cool powers? Like the ones in the Greek myths? Wait if gods are real are all the myths real? And holy fuck I'm OP as hell if do get powers. I can control the sky, earth and sea to some extent. SHIT!

Percy Jackson - The Gamer: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now