Chapter 1: The Origin

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                                                        172 Years Before Canon.
Izuku set the flowers on his mother's grave. The funeral had been a month ago and the wound was still so raw. "Hey Mom." He said dropping to a knee and laid a hand on the headstone. "I miss you more and more each day." He closed his eyes and let out a shudder breath. "I've been trying to look after my brothers just like I promised you, but it hasn't been easy." He ran his fingers on the nameplate on the grave. "I'll see you in a week with fresh flowers."
                                                         Here Lies
                                                         Inko Shigaraki.
                                                         Loving Mother

Izuku stood up and looked up at the sky. The weather had been cold and dreary since the funeral and looked like it was going to start raining again. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a cigarette and lighter. He took in a deep breath and blew out a cloud of smoke.
"Those are bad for you big brother."
Izuku snorted before turning to look at his younger brother Shishio. He was tall with the Shigaraki green hair and face that was handsome enough for politics. Shishio was well over 6 feet and broad shouldered. "Perk of my Quirk little brother." Izuku replied, taking another drag of his cigarette. "Heals all the damage instantly."
"You know that they need to pay for what they did to Mom." Shishio said in a low voice. "They killed our Mother." His politician mask slipped long enough to reveal a furious look on his face.
Izuku flicked his cigarette away and glanced up at his taller sibling. Izuku stopped growing at his 18th birthday and that was over a decade ago. Izuku topped out at 5 '9 but was built very solid after working out for years. "It won't bring her back and they aren't worth it." Izuku said, crossing his arms. "Just let the cops handle it. Mom wouldn't want us to seek vengeance in her name."
Shishio let out a furious growl and flames appeared around his shoulders. "They closed the case already as a random incident and the people responsible are in the wind!" Shishio towered over his older brother. "If you won't do anything then I will."
"Where's Yoichi?" Izuku asked refusing to back down from his brother. "If you are going to start this pointless war with these bigots, then I want him as far away from you as possible." Izuku was not blind to what Shishio had been up to since he graduated High school. He had shady friends and was always up to something. Inko was the only one that had been able to keep Shishio in check.
"Safe." Shishio replied with a dismissive wave of his hands. "Join me and we can make them suffer for what they did to Mom." He was using a tone that Izuku was familiar with. Shishio used this tone when was trying to use a Quirk he acquired called Persuade. It allowed the user to influence someone. "We can bring real change to Japan. No one with a Quirk will have to hide from these sheep. We can make this a place Mom would be proud of." He extended a hand towards his Big Brother. "What do you say Izuku?"
"No." Izuku replied, shaking his head and moving to walk past his brother. "I'm not interested in hurting anyone and I can change the world with my students." He glanced up at his brother and ignored the furious look that returned to Shishio's face. "That is why I became a teacher. To show the next generation how to be more accepting and more tolerant of Quirks. To end the violence before it begins." Izuku glanced at his watch before looking back at his brother. "I have class to teach. Don't let your anger get the best of you little brother."
"Fine." Shishio said coldly before grabbing Izuku by the neck. "A little taste of what I have to offer you Brother." He laughed as Izuku tried to break free. "I just got it. It's called Wolverine. It gives the wielder enhanced abilities such as hearing, smell, speed, and strength." He said in a dark chuckle. "Also give the wielder animalistic traits such as aggression, a mating cycle and a surprise. Enjoy."
Izuku crumbled to the ground at the new quirk, kicked in almost immediately and felt like his body was in overdrive. "What did you do to Y-Yoichi?" He asked with a grunt and looked at the retreating form of his brother. "Did you do the same thing to him!"
"I'll take good care of him, Izuku." Shishio said with another laugh. "See you soon Brother! If you want it to stop, join me and I will take it away."
Izuku slowly got back on his feet and sent a message to his boss and said he would be out for a few days due to an accident at home. He put his phone away and made his way back to his car as fast as he could run.
"Shishio, you're still a dick." Izuku said through clenched teeth as he managed to get inside his apartment and locked the door before his animalist side kicked in. He could smell a cat 5 floors down. He could hear a couple have sex 3 floors up. He felt his teeth start to ache as his incisors elongated slightly. Izuku did the best he could to keep from losing control of the beast, but it was hard to keep from giving into the Wolverine. He cried out as three long claws shot out of his knuckles made out of bone. The last thing he remembered was letting out a guttural roar.

Izuku opened his eyes to see the light seeping through the tattered curtain in his bedroom. Izuku groaned as he stood up and saw that his bedroom was almost completely destroyed. The walls were covered with long gouges and holes. Izuku looked at his phone and realized that he had been in and out of consciousness for the past 4 days. He decided that he would need to disappear. Izuku would not join Shishio in is idiotic plan for vengeance. He reached into a box hidden inside the back of the closet and opened it up. Inside was a whole new identity. He had been planning this since found out about Shishio's growing criminal enterprise. He would not fight for or against his brother. It cost him a decent sum of money, but his analysis on various subjects under an assumed name had netted him a large sum for emergencies like this.
"Izuku Midoriya." He said reading the id. He looked around the apartment and started packing what was important to him before he planned to disappear. Three hours later, his car was packed and his bank accounts were emptied out. He tried to reach out to Yoichi several times, but he never heard back from his kid brother and knew that it was likely that Shishio hid Yoichi away somewhere without his phone or computer. Izuku knew deep down that Shishio would never hurt Yoichi. He just hoped that his brother saw reason before he completely lost his way.

As he drove out of the city, he made a quick stop at his Mother's grave before disappearing into the night.

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