the nightmare 🥀

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The darkness pressed down on me, I found myself standing in the middle of a dense forest, the towering trees swaying ominously in the wind.

Their twisted branches clawed at the sky, black against the bruised purple clouds that rumbled overhead.

Fat drops of rain pelted the earth, turning the ground beneath my feet into a slick, treacherous mess of mud and dead leaves.

The air was cold,  I shivered, clutching my arms around myself as I took a hesitant step forward.

The shadows between the trees seemed to shift and move, alive with unseen eyes watching me. A low, eerie hum vibrated through the air, like a distant chant, just beyond my hearing.

And I figured out I wasn’t alone.

My heart thundered in my chest as I caught a glimpse of a figure between the trees.


His presence was unmistakable, but something was horribly wrong.

His clothes were soaked through, clinging to his lean frame, and his hands were clenched into tight fists at his sides.

The moment our eyes met, my blood ran cold. His  usually soft features twisted into something feral, almost inhuman.

His lips curled back in a snarl, revealing sharp teeth that gleamed in the dim light. But it was his eyes that terrified me the most—those dark, soulful eyes that had once made me feel drawn to him  now blazed with an unnatural, fiery intensity.

As I watched in horror, the irises shifted, bleeding from a deep brown to a glowing, malevolent red.

As I said his name, hoping for a response,

the world around me shifted, the forest dissolving into flashes of images—brief, disjointed, like scenes from a terrible movie playing in fast forward.

I saw Taehyung standing in the middle of a darkened room, his arms raised as if he was commanding some unseen force.

Around him, women were gathered in a circle, their faces obscured by shadows, their voices chanting in unison.

The air was thick with the scent of burning incense, the acrid smoke coiling around their bodies like snakes.

In another flash, I saw Emra,  She stood before an altar, her hands stained with something dark and wet—blood, I realized with a sickening lurch. She was holding something in her hands, a twisted, knotted mass of roots and bones, whispering words I couldn’t understand.

And then suddenly,  I was awake.

It was a nightmare...

My eyes snapped open, and I was back in my bed, drenched in sweat and gasping for air.

My heart raced, the echoes of the nightmare still clinging to my mind.

But even as I tried to calm myself, I couldn’t shake the feeling that what I’d seen wasn’t just a dream.

As I struggled to shake off the unsettling images of Taehyung, I noticed something strange.

The notebook.

The one I had forgotten at Emra’s place.

It was there, lying on my bedside table, just within reach.

My heart skipped a beat.

I didn’t remember putting it there.

I didn’t even remember opening it.

But it was open.

Slowly, I reached out and picked it up, my fingers trembling slightly. The page it was open to caught my eye immediately.

It wasn’t something I had written or drawn.

It was…a symbol.
A mark.

My breath hitched in my throat as I stared at it—a drawing of a beast, a twisted, snarling creature that looked like it had crawled out of the deepest recesses of a nightmare.

My mind raced, trying to piece together how this drawing had gotten here. Who had drawn it? And why did it feel so…familiar?

My thoughts spiraled back to the nightmare—Taehyung’s glowing red eyes, the twisted rituals, and Emra’s cold, determined expression.

Was this mark somehow connected to them? Was it a sign of what was to come?

I closed the notebook with a snap, my heart pounding in my chest.

Whatever this mark was, it couldn’t be good.

And I had a feeling that this was just the beginning of something much darker than I could have ever imagined.

Whatever it was, it wasn’t just a dream.It was a warning.And it was real.

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