Day 1It was almost summer and that ment it was THE worst time of my life, I had so many exams and lectures I had missed, final exams and also my work. Plus, the heat that started was already unbearable and made me want to take my skin off.
It was also the end of March and that ment I had bills to pay. At least rent is cut in half since I live with my best friend, my sister from another mister, Lana.
Don't let the name confuse you as a fem girlie with Lana del rey vibes, oh no, not at all. Think of her as more of a metal head, almost got evicted twice because she was blasting Slipknot at 3 in the morning. Actually, she gives off Jack Black vibes. Yk?
Medium short brown hair with green on the ends, big oversized band shirts, always smoking and trousers (pants) that look like a mechanic's. And she was beautiful.
When someone first meets her she seems the chill "idgaf" vibe, and usually she is, unless it has something to do with her friends. She is always sleeping and it is almost impossible for her to keep a stable job, but for the last 3 months she has managed to do so, amd even get a raise! So proud of her.
But now it was also my time to go to work.
I had brushed my hair amd teeth, wore my casual café barista work clothes and rushed to work as I was already late
I left home at around 7:45 but I should be there at 7:30. It is near our apartment, so my boss barely noticed me being late.
A voice yelled, it was my supervisor and friend Kathy
Y/n: "Hey sorry I was late Kaths."
Kathy: "Yeah yeah, you are lucky we were on a slow day today, otherwise I'd whoop up your ass."
She said half joking, i was actually grateful we were on a slow day, I've seen how mad she can get when we get mean costumers. I didn't usually bother about them, but I did vause more damage, every time a karen would yell at me for putting haf a teaspoon sugar on her cupcake or something I would just look at them apathetically and that usually made them angrier, and then Kathy would come and yell the shit out of them until they left or apologised. It was fun.
Y/n: "how many orders to we have?"
Kathy: "Five coffees, two of them espressos, one Americano, one greek (a/n: or Turkish depending where u live) and one Frappe. Give the two people infront two strawberry cupcakes"
Y/n:"On it ma'am"
I replied while getting them and serving them, after that I started making a few of the coffees and I already knew the day was gonna be a long one
--time skip--
It was 13:30 and my shift was finally over, I chose not to do overtime today as I had to study for my final exams for the day after tomorrow. But first I had to go buy groceries again, amd beer. Lana drinks A LOT of beer. At this point it's part of my everyday shopping, i guess some habits can't be stopped.
I waved goodbye to Kathy as she was doing her break and she waved back smiling, but her mouth was full with a powdered donut and her face full of sugar. What a sweet view.
I got the the shop and I bought some vegetables, tomatoes and 2 dozens of eggs. And of course, beer. I paid and I returned home by walking. It didn't take me long, maybe 20-25 minutes to get back home, it wasn't that far, but I didn't have my motorbike. It was sunny and hot and I felt dizzy from the heat, but it was fine (a/n: tomatoes are specified as they are not a vegetable, rather, they are a fruit. Thats it, yes I am a nerd)

Sleeping with your ghost - Johnnie Guilbert x Reader
Fiksi PenggemarAn unexpected and unusual job offering, got you to America where you meet many people, including a guy named Johnnie Guilbert. His name was familiar as you knew his songs, but after you guys meet.... Basically a fanfic were you as Y/n get a job far...