--Chapter two-- --Stress and Beginnings--

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It has been already a few days since me and Elton decided when to call because he had somewhat of a strict scechule. I had already told my friends about the situation and they were fine with it, "as long as I stayed safe" as Dimiter said.

Now I only had to visit my parents inform them and talk to them about my exams.

I took a few clothes and some stuff I would need and with my motorbike I drove there. It took me about 2 hours? Maybe even three? Either way I was stopping to put gas and eat something so basically it didn't take me that much.

I finally arrived at 6 in the morning, and I accidentally woke my parents. They were surprised to say the least, I made us all coffee and we started talking.

Y/n: "Sooooo I nave some news"

Mum: "Oh really? What got a job? Or a boyfriend?"

Y/n: "Uh definitely the first one. Unfortunately it's outside of [Country name] so that means I have to be away tor at least all of the summer. Its in America."

Dad: "Wait so how did you get the job? You better not be talking to strangers online young lady"

Y/n: "I saw an advertisement online"

I lied

"It's about entertaining an audience "

That was basically NOT a lie, just not the whole truth. It would be weird telling them I am going ghost hunting with people I've never met.

Y/n: "Plus, I can do collaborations since I have my channel"

Dad:" Well, as long as you're safe, I can't really do anything about it"

Mum: "I have to agree with your dad, does it pay well at least?"

Y/n: "We have to talk about it and we arranged an online meeting for tomorrow, but I think it does"

Mum: "Well if you go there you must call us EVERYDAY"

Y/n: "Mum, I won't be calling you every day. I know that some of the entertaining we might do may take place for days, we will have brakes but not for long"

After a moment of silence.

Y/n: "I will try to call you minimum twice a week, okay?"

Dad: "Alright, but we will be calling you everyday, and answer whenever you can honey"

Y/n: "Thank you both"

After that we talked about my exams and how my friends took the fact that I am moving. Both my parents had work to do, so I just stayed home I cooked some pasta and waited for them to come so we could have dinner since it was already a bit late.

When they finally came we just ate dinner and got to sleep. It was nice seeing my old room again even though I was cringing at the design choices a bit, but I missed it.

The next day I woke up around 15:30. Oh wow I was really tired I guess,  but in an hour I had the meeting with Elton. So I hopped into my mum's computer, logged into discord, put my web camera and then I made some coffee and some chicken nuggets to eat while waiting.

As I was scrolling through twitter, Elton called me and scared the SHIT out of me. I quickly calmed down and answered the call.

Elton: "Hello, you must be s/n, right?"

Sleeping with your ghost - Johnnie Guilbert x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now