Chapter one: the dead are knocking

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I walked through the ruins of the city, the inhuman groans and screeches echoing throughout. Dumb zombies, I thought to myself shaking my head. I looked up at the crumbling wall, bricks covered in graffiti from the years before.

"Echo!" I looked up only to be met by Gabe's angry stare. "Hurry up," he hissed as he quickened his pace. "We gotta find shelter, before it gets dark." I matched his pace with ease not arguing with him. I knew we needed shelter and fast.

I shivered slightly as the air began to chill. I looked up at the sky, the sun was quickly setting. We didn't have much time before it got completely dark.

"Over there," Gabe ran to a sturdy looking house. I sniffed the air for any sign of the dead. I couldn't smell any rotten flesh so I nodded to Gabe letting him know its safe. He raised his cross bow just in case. He always doubts me. Gabe went to the door and turned the knob, it opened with out hesitation, that was usually never a good sign. we both quietly stepped, being very weary of each step we took.

"I'm going to go check the house to make sure it's safe, you stay here." Gabe whispered as he lifted his cross bow and walked up the narrow stair well. The house was actually very nice, the previous owners must have had a good sum of money, I looked down at the dark wooden floors whole still kept its glossy coat even after the years of not being used. I turned and closed the large blue painted door and walked into the living room. The couches were grey with a sapphire blue throw pillow placed neatly on the couch. It was as if the house had been untouched by the bomb. It's simple elegance withstood the tragedy that had happened beyond it's walls.

I wonder what type of people lived here, and what were they like. Where were they even. Maybe they took refuge in the Z.W.B.K, that's where most of the citizens went anyways, The Z.W.B.K stands for zombies will be killed, pretty straight forward. IT was good place to go in theory however the zombies flock there all the time, I mean it basically a big pen full of the flesh they craved. Gabe and I go there often mainly just to get supplies. We are the hunters. Not a lot of people volunteered for this "job" it was more then frightening.

The inhuman moans got louder as the dead began to follow the faint smell of pumping heart beating the sweet smell of life they hungered for. I sighed softly, they always made it seem like zombies were stupid, in movies and books and shows but they are clever. Too clever if you ask me. I

I ran my fingers through my greasy white hair and sighed softly. I hate this, I hate this so much. Why did THIS city have to get bombed with the infection.

"All clear" Gabe walked down the stairs. "Now lets lock up this place, " he locked the door and went to the lifted up one of the grey couches, grunted slightly at the weight he lugged it over to the door creating a barricade. He let out a groan and stretched rolling his shoulders up and back down.

The zombies rarely go into houses when they are locked up. Once they hit something they can't move they usually turn away. Only way they would continue trying is if they knew something weak was in there.

Gabe grabbed my hand and pulled me up stairs.

"I found some things you might like" he smiled his famous lopsided smile, his deep blue eyes sparkled with excitement. I tucked a white curl behind my ear and smiled slightly. I probably would like it, I mean Gabe was always able to make me smile.

He opened the door only to reveal the bright pink room before us. The first bright color I had seen in months. It was nice on my sore eyes.

A teen girls room. That means there are probably teen clothes I thought to myself. I smiled brightly and skipped happily to the closet. I opened it and was met by a huge collection of clothes. The biggest collection was the combat boots. Man this girl really loved combat boots, I thought. there was a large assortment of combat boots.

I quickly kissed his cheek, we could surely trade this with April and get some major weapons and food. April was the mayors daughter. They had the most security and had a large assortment of weapons and food. The government gave him crates full of stuff every week.

No body really had problem with it though. The mayor was a juste man and shared with the people.

"I knew you would like it" Gabe smiled. I looked up at him and nodded , I rummaged through the teen girls clothes some more.

"I think we could trade some if this, I mean April might like it," Gabe leaned against the wall watching me. I nodded again. I know it sounds silly and a bit strange to be excited about clothes, I mean the dead are walking and here I am looking at clothes. Way to have your priorities straight Echo.

I pushed my white hair out of my face only for it to fall again and cling to my sticky hot face.
"We should probably shower while we're here. I mean it's probably gonna be cold but hey at least we are clean," Gabe nonchalantly leaned against the wall playing with a knife. He stabbed it into the dresser and rocked it back and forth. He stared at me his dark blue eyes watching me intently. He sighed and mumbled something in- audible.

"HELP ME!" We heard a scream. My head snapped up and I dropped the bag that we use for trading.

Gabe quickly looked out the window and furrowed his brow.

"It's a guy...he's being chased by the dead" Gabe furrowed his brow and looked away, I stood up and walked towards the window to see. The boy was dirty, his skin covered in dirt and grime. He franticly banged at doors trying to get in.

"Please!!!" He screamed again, I looked away and covered my ears. I couldn't listen to it. I can't just here and let him die, I turned to leave and go save him when Gabe quickly grabbed me and held me back.

"Stay here Echo." Gabe snapped as he bolted down the stairs to save the man. This is why I stay with Gabe, even though the dead is walking and eating the living he still hasn't become selfish and un compassionate. He doesn't want to loose his humanity like some of the other survivors.

I watched as Gabe ran into the street. "You little bitch! Shut up." Gabe grabbed the stranger and pulled him inside. I quickly ran down the stairs now getting a better look at the stranger.

He was good looking, a teen like us. Ratted blonde hair and dull grey eyes. Tears streamed down his face. He isn't from the city, I can tell. Gabe pushed him to the ground his face reddening from anger and slammed the door shut.

The dead moaned as they tried to get into the house, pushing against it with all their might. The thought of devouring some flesh drove them into a frenzy. More gathered around all driven by the same desire. I stood there dumbfounded on what I should do. Just our luck. We have to fight off a pack of hungry zombies.

"Help me!" Gabe yelled at the both of us. I quickly snapped back into reality.

I grabbed some heavy things that would help block the door.

The guy Gabe rescued just stood there with a blank face. He was definitely trouble.


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