Chapter six

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I have never actually been to Gabe's house, I thought maybe his house had been destroyed in the bomb. Yet I still had a sense that I've been here before. It feels very familiar. I shook my head and stepped out of the car.

"Why are we here?" Jason asked peering at me suspicious eyes.

Stop it, I'm not a monster. I-I just don't know what's going on with me right now.

I sighed and shoved my hands in the pockets of the sweater. Stupid boy.

"Well we lost a lot of amo back there Jason." Gabe huffed obviously annoyed. He ran his fingers through his silver hair and rubbed his temples. "I grabbed as much as I could," Gabe walked to the house and hit the door with his shoulder while wiggling the door knob. Once the door finally gave way Gabe let out a long sigh.

"Rotten house." He curled his lip and motioned for us to come in.

I realized that I knew nothing of Gabe's family. He never spoke to me about personal things like that.

"So you have weapons in here?" Jason looked around the house picking up an old picture. The brass frame had rusted over leaving it to look ancient and weathered. The picture it held onto tightly had two boys who looked very much the same just different in hight and the fact the bigger one was smiling brightly. I peered at it closely and the small one with black hair and piercing blue eyes stared up at me blankly. That was Gabe, I guess even as a child he didn't smile much.

Gabe snatched the picture away from us and frowned. "Rotten pictures," he sighed while placing it face down on a small wooden table.

"Where is your family?" Jason stared at Gabe with a blank expression.

"I don't know, dead maybe." Gabe's word hung in the air, by dead he means undead. What a tragedy, Gabe remembers his life before the bombing, he remembers his family. He has the burden of remembering.

I remember nothing, no family members no house, no past life. I don't sit at night worrying about my mother because I can't remember her.

"C'mon," Gabe turned from us and walked down a narrow hallway.

"What if the house was already raided? All you're weapons stolen by you know other survivors," Jason furrowed his brows and shoved his hands in his ratted dirty jeans pocket.

Gabe simply shrugged and led us to an old wooden door. He banged his shoulder against the door and wiggled the door knob. The door groan in protest but did what was asked of it and opened up to reveal an old bedroom. The black wall paint was peeling off and the posters that were tapped to the walls before were crumbling. I walked over to them to see what kind of things did Gabe enjoy before the bomb.

"Uh, Echo no," Gabe grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I stopped and glanced over to Gabe who's face was bright red and his eyes covered by his silver hair. I knit my brows together.

"Gabe you horny bastard," Jason began to laugh loudly. Holding up the poster of a half naked women.

Oh goodness my face reddened and I looked away quickly.

"Shut it twerp or next time there's a bunch of dead around I'll throw you at their mercy," Gabe growled his face still red, Jason continued to laugh shaking his head. Gabe grabbed Jason and put him in a head lock. "Shut up!" Jason smacked Gabe in the knee, still laughing widely.

I turned away from the boys letting them rough house. I scanned the room. So this was Gabe's room. I walked over to his bed side table that was cluttered with old cans of energy drinks and other pieces of paper. I sat down on his bed. His bed was still in good condition, they just smelt kind of funny because of being left un washed for so long. I stretched slightly and noticed a picture of a girl with long golden curls and big familiar crystal blue eyes. My brows knit together as I picked up the small photo, and peered at it more closely. This can't be, a photo of me can it? The girl who was smiling brightly in the photo had the exact same facial features as I did.

Did I know Gabe before the bombing?

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