In Her Lady's Care

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The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a soft, golden light across the room. You stood in the hallway, barely able to carry the breakfast tray in your trembling hands. Your vision blurred, each step feeling heavier than the last, but you were determined to serve Lady Dimitrescu. No amount of dizziness or fever could keep you from your duties.

As you finally reached the door to her chambers, you paused to catch your breath, feeling the tray wobble in your grip. Mustering the last bit of strength, you pushed the door open and entered, trying to force a smile onto your pale face.

Lady Dimitrescu, seated elegantly at her vanity, turned to look at you, one perfectly arched eyebrow rising as she observed your struggle. "My, my, pet," she purred, a teasing smirk playing on her lips. "You look like you're about to collapse. Were you planning to serve me breakfast or drop it at my feet?"

The way she called you "pet" sent a shiver down your spine, but this time, it was mixed with the feverish heat coursing through your body. You tried to respond, to assure her that you were fine, but before you could, the room spun, and the tray nearly slipped from your hands.

In an instant, Lady Dimitrescu was at your side, her smirk replaced by a look of genuine concern. "Darling," she murmured, her voice softening as she noticed the pallor of your skin and the faint tremor in your hands. "You're burning up."

You attempted to protest, insisting that you were perfectly capable of serving her, but the words came out weak, barely a whisper. Before you could say another word, Alcina gently scooped you up from the floor, lifting you effortlessly into her arms.

"Stubborn little thing," she teased, her voice a mixture of amusement and worry. "You need to rest. I can't have my precious maid collapsing on me, now can I?"

You blushed furiously, your heart racing not just from the fever but from the proximity of your mistress. Being cradled in her strong arms, her warmth enveloping you, was overwhelming in the best way. You tried to stammer out another protest, but it died on your lips as Alcina brushed a gentle hand across your cheek.

"Hush now," she murmured, her thumb lightly tracing your cheekbone. "Your skin is so soft... though you're burning up. I can't tell if it's from the fever or that pretty blush of yours."

Her laughter was like a soft melody, teasing and affectionate. Your mind was spinning, both from her touch and the fever, leaving you in a haze of flustered confusion.

Alcina carried you to her massive bed, laying you down with the utmost care. "You'll rest here," she said, her tone leaving no room for argument. "I'll take care of you, just as you've taken care of me."

Your heart fluttered at her words, and you tried to sit up, to insist that you could still serve her, but she gently pressed you back down, her hand lingering on your shoulder.

"You're not going anywhere, my dear," she whispered, her voice low and seductive. "Not until you're better. I won't have my pet running herself ragged."

The mention of "pet" again made your breath hitch, the word holding a strange power over you. Your thoughts were a jumble of fevered delirium and the undeniable warmth spreading through you at her touch.

Alcina reached for the breakfast tray and brought it to the bed. "We'll share this," she said, her tone softer now. She picked up a piece of toast, holding it to your lips. "Eat, darling. You need your strength."

You hesitated, your face burning with embarrassment at the idea of being fed by Lady Dimitrescu herself. But the look in her eyes was gentle, insistent, and you couldn't deny her. You took a small bite, the simple act feeling intimate, almost too much to handle.

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