Chapter 17

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Luther and kayla had been courting for a few months after his father's approval, and their love was strong. But there was one person who didn't approve of their relationship: Luther's mother, Anne.

Anne had a past grievance with Kayla's mother, Victoria. The two women had attended the same royal school as young ladies, where they had been friends and confidantes.

However, as they grew older, Victoria's ambition and cunning nature began to surface. She started to manipulate their social circle, turning their friends against Anne and spreading rumors about her. Victoria's actions ruined Anne's reputation and left her isolated.

Years later, Anne still harbored resentment towards Victoria. She saw Victoria's influence in Kayla's behavior and worried that Luther and her husband was also under her spell.

As Luther and Kayla's relationship deepened, Anne's disapproval became more overt. She would make snide comments about Kayla, saying that she was "as treacherous as her mother" and that she "didn't deserve Luther."

Luther tried to brush off his mother's concerns, but it was hard to ignore the tension between them. He knew his mother had a complicated past with Victoria, but he didn't understand the full extent of it.

One day, Luther confronted his mother about her behavior. "Mother, why don't you like Kayla? What's behind your disapproval?" he asked, his voice firm but gentle.

Anne's expression turned bitter. "Anne's mother Victoria destroyed my reputation, Luther. She stole my friends, my confidence, and my happiness. I won't let her do the same to you through Kayla."

Luther frowned, confused. "But Mother, that was years ago. Can't we just forgive and move on?"

Anne's voice hardened. "Forgiveness is not that simple, Luther. Victoria's betrayal was a wound that still hurts. I won't forget it easily, especially not when I see her influence in Kayla's actions."

Luther sighed, unsure of what to do. He loved Kayla but he also respected his mother's feelings. As he walked away, he wondered if he could ever reconcile the two women in his life..

One day, Anne summoned Kayla to the parlor, where she was sitting with a cup of tea. Kayla, expecting another verbal lashing as usual, trembled as she entered. But to her surprise, Anne's expression was warm and inviting.

"Kayla, dear, I've been thinking," Anne said, her voice coated with extraordinary  sweetness. "I've been rather...harsh on you lately, haven't I? Forgive me, child. I realize now that I've been wrong to judge you by your mother's actions."

Kayla's eyes widened in shock, unsure of how to respond. Luther's father, who was sitting in the corner, raised an eyebrow, equally perplexed.

Anne continued, "I want us to start fresh, Kayla. I invite you to join us for dinner as a happy family. We'll put the past behind us and begin anew."

Kayla stuttered, "T-thank you, your majesty. I appreciate your kindness."

Luther's father,cleared his throat, "Anne, my dear, are you quite well? This sudden change in demeanor is quite...unexpected."

Anne smiled, her eyes glinting with a hint of mischief. "I'm perfectly fine, love. I've simply come to my senses. Kayla is a lovely girl, and I won't let Victoria's actions dictate my behavior towards her."

As the evening unfolded, Kayla struggled to understand Anne's sudden change of heart. Luther, too, was wary, sensing that his mother's motives might not be entirely pure but everybody let it rest because they thought Anne had realized her mistake but Little did they know it was the complete opposite.


Luther still hid, his heart racing as he eavesdropped on the conversation between his mother, Anne, and Kayla. Kayla had returned after several years, and Luther's curiosity got the better of him.

"I thought you were dead," Anne whispered, her eyes fixed on Kayla. "I killed you."

Luther's eyes widened in shock. What did his mother mean? He had never heard her speak like that before.

Kayla's expression remained calm, but Luther detected a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"You couldn't kill me, mother," Kayla said, her voice steady. "I'm still very much alive."

Anne's face contorted, a mixture of fear and guilt etched on her face.

"No, no, no," Anne muttered, backing away from Kayla. "This can't be happening. You're supposed to be dead."

Luther's mind reeled with questions as he let out a gasp in shock

As he watched, Kayla took a step closer to Anne, her eyes filled with a deep sadness.

"You've been haunted by your past for far too long, mother" Kayla said sarcastically, her voice gentle. "It's time to face the truth."

Luther's heart pounded in his chest. He knew he had to intervene this time, but his feet seemed rooted to the spot again.

Kayla's chuckle sent shivers down Luther's spine. She seemed to sense his presence, and her eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Luther, I know you're there," Kayla called out, her voice echoing across the room.

Luther's heart skipped a beat. How did she know? He was certain he had remained hidden, and only his father had ever been able to sense his presence. But his father was gone now, and Luther had thought he was the only one who possessed that intuition.

Slowly, Luther emerged from behind the wall, his eyes locked on Kayla. She sat on Anne's bed, her expression enigmatic.

"How did you know I was here?" Luther asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kayla's smile was subtle. "Let's just say I have my ways."

Anne, still shaken, stared at Kayla with a mixture of fear and fascination.

Luther's mind reeled with questions. What secrets did Kayla hold? And how did she possess abilities that no one else did?

As Luther approached the bed, Kayla patted the cushion beside her, inviting him to sit.

"Come, Luther," Kayla said, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Let's talk."

Luther hesitated, unsure of what to expect. But his curiosity got the better of him, and he sat down beside Kayla, his eyes fixed on hers.

" Kayla I thought you were dead, what is going on?" Luther questioned both women. Kayla laughed out loud hysterically.

"Ask our dear mother", she said sarcastically as Anne gained a glare from Luther who's fists were balled in anger and confusion.

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