First Day

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My body feels like hell. Maybe even worse. I was on a Bullhead heading over to this prestigious school. While I was on, I saw a couple of other people a couple of other kids my age but nothing more out of the ordinary. We landed, and sure enough, saying that the school was big is an understatement. The main building had a clocking the middle of it for crying out loud.

Taking a moment to stretch, I looked around. It was a nice place until I heard an explosion. Looking to my left, I saw what looked like a crater. Looking at the clock tower, I've got time until orientation. I decided to walk over to where the commotion had started. Getting closer, I saw a girl in red, a girl on black, and a girl in white. In fact, the girl in white looked like she was... Weiss Schnee.

Why the hell was she here? Schnees aren't allowed to be hunstmen. Shouldn't she be in Atlas? Well, I might as well give a warm hello. Just as I was about to walk over to them, another person grabbed my attention.

"Ah, hello, could you help me? I am new, and I need to get to orientation." A fellow new student came to me, taking my eyes off of the Schnee. That made me sigh and look back at him.

"Yeah, follow me, I think I saw a bunch of kids go down that direction," I pointed down to the way I thought everyone went. If not that, then it was the smell that gave it away.

"Thank you, mein freund," he had a weird accent and talked in a language i didn't know existed. he stopped talking and thought for a bit until he struck up another topic. "My name is Kurt Wagner," he tasted and waited for my response as he gestured towards me.

"(Y/n) Rasputin, pleasure," I shook his hand. "So, where you from? I never heard your accent before."

"I am from Mistral. It was nice enough, but if I am being honest, it had its... despairities." Message received.

"Well, if I may, welcome to Vale. I hope our situation is better than back there," I told him as we made it to the first day to the rest of our lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2024 ⏰

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