Breaking Boundaries

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"And when the hardest part is over we'll be here,
And our dreams will break the boundaries of our fears."
― Brandon Flowers

Gray strode into the Fairy Tail guild hall. Instantly, his eyes were drawn over by heat and a flash of pink.

"That won't work with me, Elfman!"

"We'll see who's more manly!"

"Take it outside, boys."

Gray smiled as he saw Elfman and Natsu in a brawl. He watched the nimble way Natsu fought. For how wild and destructive he was, his body movements could be swift and precise. He easily dodged Elfman's fist, leaped up onto a table without upsetting Cana's drinks, jumped, grabbed a rafter, and used the momentum to land two feet straight into Elfman's face. Gray took a seat on the side, not realizing just how much he was staring and smiling.

"Do you want to join in?"

Gray jolted and looked over to see Romeo also watching the fight. Beside him was Wendy, who was apparently babysitting Asuka.

"You look like you want to have a go with Natsu-nii as well," the boy noted.

Gray looked back at the fight. "He and I have something to discuss."

"A mission?" asked Wendy.

Romeo grinned in excitement. "A fight?"

"Fight!" Asuka cheered.

Quietly, Gray replied, "Not this time."

He thought about what he had confessed to Lyon. He did not see Natsu as physically attractive. Then again, Gray had always focused on things like breasts, hips, thighs, ankles, the back of the neck, even a girl's hands and shoulders could be desirable, sexy traits. He had sought out delicate features, and Natsu was anything but delicate.

Still, he supposed he could see why women would find him handsome. He knew what traits Cana said she liked about guys, mostly muscles and a firm ass. Lucy was a real romantic who spoke with a flush to her cheeks about men's eyes, their smile, simple things. Some girls ogled Gray for his abs or pectorals, some admired the scars he had and said they added character.

Natsu had all that: muscles, nice eyes, a beaming smile, and scars from fights. Still, while Gray could admire those badges of battle, his massive smile warmed his heart, and those eyes could enchant, altogether ... why did he not find Natsu physically attractive? Was he not into guys physically? Was it that he simply was not used to looking at men that way?

He admired Natsu's fighting style, though. He admired the way Natsu had trained his muscles. He admired those scars and what they stood for.

Was that enough?

Out of the haze of second-guessing, Gray realized there was a table flying their way. Reacting mostly on instinct, he pounded his fist into his hand, and a shield of ice blocked the soaring table, letting it shatter and splinter away from the children.

"Hey, bastard!" Gray bellowed. "Be careful around kids."

Natsu heard that voice, and he looked around in surprise. He had not expected Gray to come back so soon. A smile flitted across his face briefly just before Elfman got a hit in, and then it was Natsu flying toward Gray instead. He slammed into the ice shield, and Gray saw his smashed face pressed against the clear ice. Slowly, Natsu slid down, and Asuka giggled at how funny he looked.

Gray dispersed the shield and caught Natsu in his arms while Elfman howled his victory.

"Not ... done ... fighting," Natsu mumbled. "Haha, there's birdies flying in the guild."

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