Chapter 16: Au Revior-Till We Meet Again

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This chapter onwards will be rated mature due to harassment, an extent of explicit language, sexual harassment, slavery, and graphic depiction.

Please do not read if the information above is triggering in any way possible. If at any point you feel uncomfortable or have any form of discomfort, please, do not continue to read.

With this warning, you may read on.
Chapter 16: Au Revior-Until We Meet Again

"Why?" Armin breathed out slowly and painfully, watching the faintest glimmer of light piercing through the rounded window on the door. The creaks in the floorboard mixed with his own whimpers, making them seem voiceless. There were also soft moans coming from every part of the room they were locked in. "Why did you h-have to come here and, and-"

Armin's eyes released the salty tears, dropping messily around his rounded cheeks, underneath his slender chin, and dripping all the way between his one layer of clothing and skin. The heat from the tears in a way warmed just a line of his flesh, but not enough to take away his emptiness inside. His sobs started to have a voice of it's own. They were out of control, hacking his breath and uncontrollably shaking his small body.

There was a creak. Not from the ocean's waves rocking the boat but from the door opening. Like hungry fish, the prisoners around the whole room eagerly looked up for hope, for help. Except, it was just the broader man. He wore his same usual suit, a ravishing grey color that emphasized his sleek black shoes. He walked slowly into the heart of the room, occasionally glaring back and forth from the boys and girls. Armin took one last shaky breath and looked up to see the man staring back at him, his cold darkened eyes almost glistening evilly with the night's light.

"Hello Armin." The man greeted. Armin gulped down on his saliva and spoke softly, the tears breaking away again.

"H-How do y-you know my name?"

"It seems there has been a change of plan. You will be coming with me for your departure."

"D-Departure?" At that moment, it seemed the entire room came alive. There was screaming and crying, some even rattling away at their chains. Armin looked around in a frantic at each boy and girl desperately hoping to escape their chains. What a cruel world. A world he never knew existed until now.

"I-I don't want to leave them behind." Armin said wearily as he looked at the group of empty faces. The man looked as well and sighed, removing his glasses from his suit's pocket and cleaning them with the hem of his shirt.

"It seems you don't have a choice. This is a request by Jean Kirstein."


"Yes. He has made a uh, how do you put this, new offer. He's willing to trade places with so you can have back your freedom." He stained his glasses with his breath and continued to rub away the fingerprints stained on the lens. After confirming his glasses were to his liking, he placed them over his face, just enough so they could lay on the bridge of his nose. He then turned toward the door, and called someone.

"Petra. I need you to take this kid over to the boardroom. Oh, and put some extra precautions on him. Just in case."

From the doorway, a young woman around her mid twenties with golden hair and piercing hazel eyes appeared. She scanned the area until she spotted the man and kneeled to Armin's level.

"Is this the one?" She asked as she unlatched the lock. For some reason, her voice was oddly familiar. It sounded like someone Armin heard before, just couldn't remember where. Armin moved his gaze toward Petra, taking an extra close look at her. He noticed her hair was messily pulled into a bun, some hairs sticking out, either because it was too short or she just missed them. She also had a overly large scar running from her left ear down to her collarbone.

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