~Chapter 2~

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When I arrived to Starbucks I saw my friend Jasmine with her black hair waving at me.

"Hey,the manager is waiting for you",she said pointing at a door

I was happy because I knew that I was going to do good at the interview. But at the other hand, I was a little nervous.

"Close the door please", the old man said with an angry face

"You better not waste my time young lady, because the person that just walked down the door wasted my time and I'm really angry"

"Don't worry sir, I'm really good at working with coffee and I won't disappoint you", I said with a confident look in my face

"OK, so what's your name?", he said

"My name is Mia Evans"

After he asked me a lot , and I mean A LOT of questions , he told me that I got the job ,and I can start on monday at 12:30. And that was the perfect time for me to work because I always wake up at 7:00 am and go to the university, and the university ends at 11.

After my long interview I wanted to do a little shopping, so I called Chris and told him to meet me at the mall.

~At the mall~

"Hey, it had been a lot of time since I saw you" I greet him

"Yeah I know, I was really busy this month" He said with a frown face

"Why are you so sad" , I asked him with a confusing face

"Well do you know Andrez?", he asked me

"Yeah, isn't he your boyfriend?"

"Well he was, he broke up with me three weeks ago"

"I'm so sorry, Chris"

"Don't worry let's just go shopping"

Could you even imagine what his going through, i mean he's gay but he's has feeling too. I bet he's really sad. I think that I should cheer him up

"You know what Chris"

'' What?"

"I think is better if we go to that place you love"

"New York Club?" he said with a happy face


He was so happy. I love making people happy expecially my friends.

Well we just went to the club and had a awesome time together.


I didn't know what to say ,he was so beautiful. His green eyes were sparkling in the sun

"Hello?" he said waving at me

"Oh hi sorry for crashing into you"

"Well actually it was my fault, so I'm sorry" he said

"What's your name" he asked me

"My name is Claire James, and yours?"

"I'm Nate Parker" he said giving me a smirk on his face

"Well I better get going but hope I see you again" he told me

"Yeah sure, bye" I said waving at him

OMG he's the cutest guy that I have ever seen , can this be possible? But I bet he has a girlfriend so whatever.

I just went home after that day, I was really stressing because of my interview and because I needed to do an essay for the university. When I arrived Mia wasn't there, so it gave me time to do my essay.

New York GirlsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora