Chapter 29

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One night, as Carina lay in bed, drifting in that hazy space between sleep and wakefulness, she was startled by a soft knock on her door. It was so faint, almost dreamlike, that she wasn't sure if she had imagined it. She sat up, heart thudding in the stillness, listening as the knock came again—slow and deliberate, echoing in the quiet of her chambers.

Carina's breath caught as the door creaked open, her eyes widening with disbelief. The room was bathed in soft shadows, the only light coming from the sliver of moonlight seeping through the curtains. The door swung inward, and there, standing in the faint glow of the corridor, was Maya.

She was there, standing in the doorway, as real as the last time Carina had seen her. But this time, she looked more vivid, more alive than any memory. Maya's hair fell in soft waves around her shoulders, catching the light in a way that made it shimmer like spun gold. Her skin had that warm, healthy glow Carina had always loved, her eyes sparkling with the same life and depth that had once held Carina's world.

As Carina whispered her name, barely daring to breathe, she couldn't tell if she was being drawn into the depths of madness or lifted toward some ethereal heaven. All she knew was that it had to be one or the other, and she would go so willingly.

Maya took a slow, measured step closer, the soft sound of her footfalls barely disturbing the silence that hung heavy in the room. Carina remained frozen in place, her heart pounding wildly in her chest, afraid that any sudden movement, any breath too deep, might shatter this fragile moment. Maya looked so real, so heartbreakingly alive, that Carina couldn't bring herself to blink, terrified that even the briefest closing of her eyes might cause Maya to vanish into thin air. She was scared to move, to breathe, to touch.

As Maya approached, Carina's gaze followed every detail—the way her hair shimmered in the faint light, the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, the soft smile that tugged at her lips, as if she was sharing a secret only the two of them understood. There was no mistaking the depth in Maya's eyes, the warmth that radiated from her presence. Carina's mind struggled to reconcile this reality with the one she had been living in, where Maya was gone, lost to her forever. Yet, here she was, more tangible, more vivid than any dream could ever be.

When Maya finally reached her, she extended a hand, her fingers trembling ever so slightly as they moved to caress Carina's cheek. Carina held her breath, her body tense with the expectation that the warmth would vanish as soon as their skin touched, that this beautiful vision would dissolve into nothingness. But as Maya's fingers brushed her cheek, the warmth remained—solid, undeniable. Carina let out a shaky breath, leaning into the touch, her eyes fluttering closed as tears began to spill down her face.

The warmth didn't disappear. It only grew stronger, grounding her in the reality of this moment. Unable to hold back any longer, Carina threw herself into Maya's embrace, her arms wrapping tightly around her as if she might disappear at any moment. Carina's sobs shook her entire body, the pent-up grief and longing of all those empty nights pouring out of her in waves. Maya held her close, her arms steady and reassuring, cradling Carina as they sank down onto the bed together.

"My love," Maya whispered, her voice soft and filled with the kind of tenderness Carina had almost forgotten. The sound of it only made Carina cry harder, her tears soaking into Maya's shoulder as she clung to her, desperate and disbelieving all at once.

"You died," Carina managed to choke out between sobs, feeling the need to state it aloud, to acknowledge the madness she was sure she had succumbed to. Even as she spoke the words, she knew she didn't care—if this was madness, then she would welcome it, embrace it if it meant being with Maya again.

Maya's hand moved soothingly along Carina's back, her touch gentle and calming. "I did," she murmured, her voice steady and sure. "But only for a few moments. I am alive, Carina. I'm here."

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