chapter 2

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Y/n and the three Bayonettas were still following the path up the mountain and so far there had been no more angels attacking them, while they were walking Y/n could feel all of the Bayonettas look at Y/n's shoulders the same shoulder the demon hand come out of.

Y/n " I can feel you staring at my shoulder, ask the question. "

Bayonetta 1 " Exactly what is the demon hand? "

Bayonetta 2 " Yeah cause in our dimensions there is no demon with that look or that power. "

Y/n " [ sigh ] It's a long story. "

Bayonetta 3 " We have time. "

Y/n " I don't want to tell you. "

Bayonetta 1 " Listen little one we might be able to restore your memories if we know about the demon. "

Y/n " I've heard that before. "

Bayonetta 2 " Kid. "

Y/n " OK OK just shush [ deep sigh ] the demon hand is the hand of the destroyer no one knows his real name and I don't care about it but it was said that when he was whole he could destroy anything and everything. When I made the deal with him he said that he was being hunted by something powerful and they sealed the rest of his body somewhere, he agreed to share his power if I let him hide in my body but he destroyed my memories of my past either as part of the deal or for fun. "

Bayonetta 3 " So he gets a place to hide and you get his powers but why? "

Y/n " Why what? "

Bayonetta 1 " Why did you want his powers? "

Y/n " [ stops walking ] I-I didn't ... I know that I didn't want his powers but I can't remember what I got out of it. "

Bayonetta 2 " Well we can't help you restore your memories without ripping the destroyer out of your body. "

Y/n " Yeah that's not happening anytime soon. [ continues walking ] "

Bayonetta 1 " And why not? "

Y/n " Oh this is going to go on all day. "

Y/n snaps his fingers and leaves Purgatorio, he looks around and can't see the three Bayonettas. He was still walking up the path till he came to a massive door, he tried to push it open but it wouldn't budge so the fire hand came out his back and attached itself to his right arm, Y/n then punched the door open but saw energy gathering.

Y/n " Oh shit. [ the energy slammed into Y/n sending him flying back ] Somebody stupid get in my way. "

Y/n was about to fly off the edge of the path of the mountain but was stopped, he felt three hands grabbing him they lifted him back up to the path and then let go.

Y/n " Thanks. "

Y/n then walked up to the door and walked through it to see a ton of markings on the walls as well as pictures, the pictures showed the story of the destroyer before being split up and after, but when it came to when Y/n got involved the part of the wall was burnt. The three Bayonettas walked up next to him and looked at it.

Y/n " I can't hear what you're saying but no I didn't do this. "

Y/n then walked through the room till he felt something tug at his back, he looked back to see no one so he snapped his fingers sending him back to Purgatorio but the three Bayonettas weren't near him. Then out of nowhere the demon hand or hand of the destroyer shot out his back and hovered over the three Bayonettas, it then made a fist and was about to slam itself onto them trying to kill them.

Y/n " Per contractus contractus, cogeris manere in corpore et anima mea, donec contractum nostrum te arcessam. "

This time it was Latin, not Enochian it meant : " By the bounds of our contract, you are forced to stay in my body and soul until I summon you, respect our contract. " I will also be using Latin instead of Enochian for some of the spells now since It's easier to find a translation from English to Latin than English to Enochian.

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