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(big time skip to where y/n is now 8 months pregnant)

Laughing Jack's pov:
As y/n is now 8 months pregnant I refuse to let her touch weapons or go out and kill as she could cause harm to herself or the unborn child hell I wouldn't even let her lift a finger (fyi the baby she is having is a girl so I'm gonna be the father of a girl) and me and y/n had picked out a few names like Lila,lily,Lilith,or rochelle but we're trying to narrow it down to obviously one but then we realized that we wanted to have a nickname for our daughter so lila was out of the question and then to us lilith sounded like a devil girls name so we took out that one and lily we sounded it out and it just didn't sound right to us so we just decided to name our baby rochelle and call her ro for short (another fyi i had asked y/n to marry me a week after she found out that she was pregnant with our baby girl and she said yes of course and then we got married when she was 7 months)

Y/n's pov:
I know lj doesn't want me to kill or touch any weapons but I can't help but miss killing people that wronged me or for fun but I get it he doesn't want me to hurt myself or my unborn child but the not letting me carry clothes,toys or other things for the baby was a little to far because I wanted to help but he said that bc I was pregnant I wasn't to lift a finger so obviously I just said ok like literally dude come on I'm a pregnant woman that like to carry things but nope he won't let me bc of me being pregnant

(Author-Ok y/n and laughing jack this will be the end of this part would you like to say bye)

(Laughing jack and y/n-bye see you guys in the next part)

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