Chapter 21| Growing on me?

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Lilith POV:

Making my way out of the ballroom through the turns of the house my fingers trail across the wall, giving them a numbing feeling. Turning down another hallway I find myself on the first floor before slowly gliding up the steps heading towards my room.

Locking the door behind me I make my way towards the glass starting the slow process of cleaning it away.


Throwing the last piece of glass away into the trash can by my side, I turn the shower on hoping to rinse away the rest of the pieces that are too small to pick up or see properly.

Sighing, I begin to get dressed, heading towards the closet I pull off my shirt examining my bruises, they've turned a lighter shade of purple taking a slightly yellow hue, almost not visible.

Rubbing my fingers over the skin I notice it no longer hurts, just a couple more days until they become fully healed. Next, I check the small cut on my arm, I got the day they died.

It seems to be closer to a nick now the skin elevated on either side of the center. With more food and rest it seems to be healing a lot faster than it would have back in the old house.

Next throwing on a long sleeve top, I move down towards my legs, pulling off my pants from yesterday, no bruises left there, except the long scar down my leg. Knowing it's pretty hot today I throw on a skirt instead.

I'm a little nervous about showing my scar it's not that beautiful. But to me it's a sign that I survived, and I'm proud of that. I came out broken, and bruised but I survived.

Nodding once, I throw my hair up into a braid by adding a ribbon in my hair because, I'm feeling girly today. I throw on some concealer just in case. Before heading downstairs my socks gliding across the wooden floors.

Heading towards the kitchen, I see Becca whisk in hand deep in conversation with Red, a bowl of batter against her chest. While talking she moves the whisk in her hand letting batter splatter off the whisk.

Dante stands next to Red his arm wrapped around her torso as she leans into his shoulder. Instead of disturbing the moment I simply walk into the kitchen hoisting myself up on the counter picking up the bowl of mangoes already ready and waiting for me.

Dante does not bat an eye to me his eyes solely focused on a certain, redhead in his arms. Red on the other hand gives me the biggest smile humanly possible. Red is one of the people who can make you smile no matter what, her happy energy is untouchable.

Smiling back I pop a mango into my mouth before nodding my head in the morning to Becca who responds with her usual chatter.

Red comes over to sit next to me hoisting herself up onto the counter. Earning me a glare from Dante. He's so dramatic. Sticking my tongue out at him I wrap my arm over Red's shoulder rubbing it in his face that she chose me over him.

Red pulls me closer leaning back onto her palms letting me rest my head on her shoulder.

"So our girl is finally wearing something other than pants huh?" Red says teasingly letting her hand run over my hair once. Without glancing back Becca's voice fills my ears as she pours the batter into a tray.

"It seems so they grow up so fast don't they it feels like just yesterday she was still wearing long pants." Becca says wiping a fake tear from her eye. Their sarcasm seems to be lost on Dante because he just stares at them like they just swallowed his parents.

"What do you mean she was wearing pants yesterday? And she wore that dress once?" His voice seems to be filled with confusion. Fucking dumbass.

In case he has no idea I should enlighten him.

"You're a dumbass you know that right?" I say while rolling my eyes.

Gasping, he throws a hand to his heart looking at me feigning hurt while his eyes sparkle with realisation. "Are you going to let her talk to me like that Red?" He says looking over to his situation ship. I swear I would have thought they were dating if Becca hadn't told me otherwise.

"Yes." She says before wrapping her arm around my torso, When Red isn't looking Dante flips me off I respond with the same energy. Flipping him off in a likewise manner.

"Fuck you."

"Well isn't that nice fuck you too." Before he gets a chance to respond I hear a loud thud coming from somewhere nearby. Sighing I jump down. I'll go investigate. Dante's eyes look more concerned now his facial features are hardened like the thud flipped a switch in him.

Walking towards the exit I notice Dante already back to Red pulling her into him.

"Just fucking date, and get out of your stupid situation ship." I say while turning out of the corner.


Walking towards the noise I open the door towards my favourite living room, in the house the large room filled with thuds. What I didn't expect to see is Theo and Silas in a very intense wrestling match, with each other on the ground. They're going to knock the fucking flowers off the table.

Drystan stands on the side of the room, watching. Sighing I pull the table out of the way towards Drystan. Who seems too engrossed in the fight to say anything Sighing I stand next to him watching.

When it becomes very clear this is not going to end soon, I walk over to the two of them not wanting to have to break them up but one of them is going to crack someone's rib, grabbing both of them by the ear I throw myself in the middle of their fight on the floor.

"Get the fuck up." They both comply standing next to each other like their kids that got in trouble. Turning towards Drystan I speak again.

"You too get over here," -Drystan takes a couple steps over crossing the room- " Will someone explain what's going on in here?" I asked crossing my arms in annoyance.

"They got in a fight." Drystan says unamused.

"Yeah, I see that, but what were you doing?"


I cough, the type of cough you give when you're in disbelief.

"So you decided it was okay to watch them try and break each other's ribs."

"Pretty much? Who was winning anyway?" He asks his eyes taking on a curious gleam. Sighing I quickly run my eyes over the state of them using my doctor's eye I've developed for injuries.

"Theo, was another minute or two and Silas would have had two cracked ribs, a sore enough jaw he wouldn't be able to speak properly for 3 days and a bruise so bad he wouldn't be able to move his arm."

Sighing, Silas hands Drystan a hundred dollar bill before Theo jumps in victory.

Sighing I leave the room. Today has been one chaotic morning, and I didn't even eat breakfast yet.

But I don't feel drained. I think they're all growing on me.


Word count: 1196

Heyyy small filler i wanted to get a view of their dynamic so idk how it turned out ngl. Thoughts??

love you all sm!! Also if you saw all the updated chapters ignore it bc i noticed i fogot to add the chapter number... so yeah

but its all better now! Also can you believe were half way thru part 1? like this is the 21st chapter....

no part two is not gonna be a separate book, but im separating them for the timeline!



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