Who Broke It?

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Sakura: who broke it

*a broken letter box on the ground*


Sakura: we aren't going anywhere until we know

Kinajou: *sigh* it was me, I did-

Sakura: nope, you were with me when we found

Winter: it was probably Qibli

Qibli: WHAT

Winter: you usually steal letters

Qibli: you hate the dares more then everyone 

Winter: NOO

*Qibli and Winter break out into a fight*

Umber: I saw Peril near it last

Peril: It wasn't me I-

Umber: I SAW you near it

Peril: yeah, but if it was me wouldn't it be melted

Umber: Hmmmm suspicious....

Aspen: Maybe it was Melon

Melon: Nope, I'm pretty sure it was Honey

Honey: Noo, it was definitely Moon

Moon: Aspen started accusing people first

*the four of them get into an argument*

Kinajou: Guys it was m-

Turtle: No it wasn't

Kinajou: Yes 

Turtle: No

*the two of them continue arguing*

*Sakura looks directly at readers*

Sakura: *Quiet enough so that only the readers could hear it* It was me *winks*

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