Chapter 5: With You

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~Shaun's POV.~

Two days had passed since the last visit Shaun had with Bitzer.

The first day, since then, the twins joined Shaun on visiting Bitzer for a bit while the farmer was busy with his girlfriend, the lovebirds off somewhere in the forest taking a stroll as usual. Excitedly, the twins brought with them a couple of flowers, pretty yellow ones they found growing near the pond out by the woods. The second day, Timmys mother decided to visit, giving Bitzer some nice chamomile tea and a piece of blueberry pie she made. All gifts the sheepdog happily accepted, only missing the outside even more.

~The next day. Shaun's POV ~

Visiting Bitzer, Hazel decided to tag along while the farmer and his girlfriend went out for a stroll around the farm.

"They'll be coming back soon. We should start heading out. " Shaun sighs, peeking out the window as the farmer and his girlfriend turn the corner, heading back to the house. "Great. Please heal up faster so you can make this annoying brother of mine stop talking about you each night. I miss sleeping early," Hazel groans, causing Bitzer to chuckle softly with laughter.

Realizing her words, Shaun glared back at Hazel, who stood beside him with a sly grin. This was something new the sheepdog can tease him about. "Aww. You talk about me?" The sheepdog smirked, causing Shaun to huff, "No.." "Yeah, right!!" Hazel barked out loud, causing Shaun to pull her to the window. "That's enough of you. See you tomorrow, Bitz," Shaun called out as Hazel chuckled, climbing out the window, "Bye sheepdog, " she waves, "Bye" Bitzer waves back. Watching as Hazel carefully climbed down the window, safely reaching the ground below, Shaun sat on the windowsill. "Don't miss me too much," Bitzer winks, causing Shaun to roll his eyes. Staring down at the field, Shaun glanced back at Bitzer with a frown, "Shaun? You alright?" Bitzer hums, slightly tilting his head. Climbing back in the room, Shaun quickly stepped over to the sheepdog. Cupping the dogs face with his hooves, Shaun planted a quick kiss on his lips, "Missing you is all I do," he whispered.

Pulling away to head back out, Shaun was quickly caught by Bitzers stronger hold, pulling him back into the sheepdogs' arms. "You can't say that to me while I'm stuck here..." Bitzer huffs, softly glaring into Shaun's eyes, "It's not fair...".

~Bitzers POV.~

"Sorry..." The sheep chuckles his mischievous chuckle the dog oh so recognized from their past adventures. "It's not fair for me either..." Shaun bleated softly as he leaned his face closer to Bitzers, "I miss having you chase me. " He grins teasing the dog. "Oh yeah?..." Bitzer smirks, "Yeah... You're real easy to tease." Shaun smirks back, "it's hilarious," he giggles, causing Bitzer to roll his eyes. "Get out of here before you get caught," Bitzer softly chuckles, his hold still unwilling to let go of Shaun. "Yeah yeah...You'd like that, wouldn't you," Shaun bleated, kissing the dog once more before the two pulled away.

Watching as Shaun climbed over the window, waving goodbye as he did. Bitzer fell back against his bed with a groan, "Can I please... just heal faster..." He sighs, closing his eyes.

~The next day. Shaun's POV.~

As the birds chirped overhead the barn, waking the flock from sleeps embrace. Shaun's eyes fought open as the farmers' truck sounded from outside the barn. 'Huh?...What's the farmer doing leaving so early?...,' pushing himself up onto his two back hooves, Shaun climbed up onto the loft. With a yawn, he staggered over to the window and its bright morning light. Leaning his arms on the window sill, Shaun squinted down to the farmer, kissing his girlfriend goodbye before stepping inside his truck with a...passenger? Eyes widening, Shaun watched as the truck pulled out the driveway, revealing a tired Bitzer in the passenger's seat. "They're leaving?...Why?" Shaun gasps out loud, stepping away from the loft window, Shaun slid down the ladder, earning himself a huff from Timmy's mother. "You'll hurt yourself," she hissed, "Sorry" Shaun bleated before running over to Hazel, who laid asleep on her hay bed.

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