He's Gone.

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 - Lilac's Prov - 

 I opened my eyes to the painful sun light shinning through the window, I must of passed out again. I looked to my side too see Tim and Louis there.

 "Lil?" Tim asked now rubbing my arm.

 "Where's Mum?" I asked thinking that Mum would be there.

 "She just took Steph home to get some clothes for you" He said starting to get abit teary.

 "What's up Tim?" I said trying to sit up but This pain In my lower back stopped me.

 "No, Lilac don't move" Louis said coming too sit at the side of me."Your badly bruised."

 "Oh" I said looking at him. Then I rememebered What happened. "What day Is It?" I asked them.

 "Urm, Tuesday?" Louis said smiling at me.

 "Oh" I replyed thinking even more. I closed my eyes then suddenly I had a flash back, Of the crash. And talking to-to HARRY. "OMG" I shot up making the boys jump. "Where? How Is Harry?" I said starting to get a bit upset.

 "Carm, carm down Lilac" Louis said. "He's next door. He just get a few cuts." Louis said rubbing my arm.

 "Can I see him please?" I said looking too Louis then Tim. The looked at each other confused.

 "Why Lil?" Tim asked.

 "Just wanted to say sorry" I said looking out the window.

 "Urm, He just needs some rest at the moment" Louis said before leaving the room, I persume to go tell Harry I wanted too speak too him. I turned to face Tim.

 "I was worried Lil" Tim said.

 "Are you ok?" I asked him giggling a little bit. Me And Tim never really got on before we moved here, And he had changed and I liked the new him.

 "Ha, Ha Lilac" He said sticking his tongue out at me.

 I closesed my eyes a little and had enough flash back, Niall was with me? Where he gone?.

 "Tim?" I asked looking at him.

 "Yes?" He asked looking like he knew what I was about to say.

 "Wh-Where's Niall?" I asked looking Into his eyes.

 "I don't know, and don't care" He said.

 "Oh" I said looking away.

 "Why did you ask Lil?" Tim said getting abit annoyed.

 "Just wondering" I said.

 - Louis's Prov - 

 "Harry?" I said shaking him a little bit.

 "Urm" He moaned as he opened his eyes. "How's Lilac?" He asked looking Into my eyes.

 "She Is alright, sore" I said. Then I thought I said tell him. "Harry, Niall's done a runner." I said walking over to the window.

 "WHAT?" Harry said then lowing his voice. It must of hurt him. "Why?" He carmly asked.

 "He-He thinks you had an affair with Lilac" I said looking at him. "And We all think you did too" I said passing him his water.

 "What?" He said looking confused. "I wouldn't do that" Harry said.

 "Why was she asking for you then?" I asked sitting on the chair next to his bed.

 "When?" He ask trying to turn, but was In to much pain he couldn't.

 "Just now" I said turning to face him.

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