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 - Lilac's Prov -

 I opened my eyes to 8 eyes looking at me. I jumped a little. Zayn and Iwa were eaither side of me, and Louis And Liam where In front of me. It took a few moments for everything to fall Into place. "Where are we?" I sat up a little.

 "In a layby you kinda passed out a few Mins ago hun." Iwa said helping me sit up.

 "Oh." I looked around a bit confused why we were In a car. Then I remembered. HARRY. "OMG. why we not at the hospital?" My eyes got bigger with concern.

 "Well we was worried about you." Zayn said patting my shoulder.

 "Don't worry about me." I said putting my seat belt on. "Come on hurry we need to go to the hospital." I closed my eyes to see If the jorney would go any faster. But It didn't. All the way there Liam was telling Louis to go faster causing Louis to get stressed. 

 "We here." Louis said pulling Into a parking space. 

 "Ok, guys you go ahead me and Lilac will lock the car up." Iwa said, as soon as she said that the boys bolted for the doors. I started to walk towards the doors Intill Iwa grabbed me. "Hey hold on, you alright enough to go In there?" She said with conerend eyes.

 "Look I don't really care." I sighed and turned to look at her. "I just don't want anything to happen to Harry I feel like It's my fault. I should of never of left with Zayn last night." I said on the curb on parking space.

 "Wait, hold on rewind a little." Iwa said while sitting down next to me. "You was with Zayn last night?" She said waiting for a answer.

 "Well yes." I said looking at her.

 "Why was you at his?" She said knotting her eyebrows together In confusing.

 "Harry made a move on me, they had words and Zayn took me back to his to sobber up but I kinda made him drunk hen after that It's a bit of a blur." I said looking at the Hospital.

 "Did you know? sleep with him?" Iwa asked with a still confused face.

 "I dunno, That's the thing." I put my head In my hands.

 "Did you ask Zayn If he remembers anything?" Iwa said taking my hands away from my face.

 "Yes and He doesn't before you ask" I sighed "What If?" I stopped just thinking about what I was about to say.

 "What If what?" Iwa giggled.

 "I could be pregant." I said gasping. Iwa laughed.

 "You can't be pregant just yet, your gonna have to wait a few weeks to find out yet." She said looking up at the Sky. "You going to be ok In there?" She asked after a while.

 "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked abit confused.

 "Because Niall's there? and last time you was here was because of the crash." She stood up and stood In front of me.

 "It's not about us at the moment. The focuss Is on Harry. And how do you know about the crash?." Iwa reached out her hand for me to grab, she pulled me up.

 "Well Louis And Liam have told me like everything on the phone. That's why I'm here." Iwa started walking but then stoped and turned around the face me. "Lilac?" She asked.

 "Yes?" I stopped to look at her.

 "What's happened to you?" She said.

 "What you mean?" I gave her a blank face.

 "You was always happy and all that before I left." She looked down straight after she said It.

 "I dunno, Maybe because you was the wise one, and when you moved I kinda went a bit of the rails?" I wasn't even to sure myself, making me question myself.

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