Chapter 15

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Silence weighed upon the crew as we rowed the longboats through a jungle river. Will gripped my hand tightly and turned to look at me. He raised his other hand to my cheek, wiping away tears I hadn't noticed I was shedding. I leaned into his touch, closing my eyes for a moment. 

Tia Dalma must have known we'd be coming as the folks living here stood in the waist deep murky water, holding candles to light our path and share their condolences. We made it back up to her hut, Will helping me out of the longboat. Tia Dalma gave us a silent and solemn greeting at her door as a few crew members along with Will and I walked in and sat down at her table. Will took out a short dagger and began anxiously throwing it into the wood of the table before picking it up and repeating the process. I stared at where his blade met the wood, a small new mark being made each time. A hand on my shoulder startled me and I looked up to see Tia Dalma handing me a cup of what I assumed was rum. "Against the cold and the sorrow." I took the cup, feeling the rough metal against my palm before quickly downing it. I wasn't one for drinking but this seemed as good a time as ever to begin. "It's a shame," She walked past me and handed a cup to Will, "I know you're thinking that with the Pearl you could have captured the devil and set free your father's soul."

Will grabbed the cup, "Doesn't matter now. The Pearl is gone, along with its captain."

"Aye, and already the world seems a bit less bright." Gibbs said from across the room as Tia Dalma moved over to him with the rum. I couldn't help but to agree with him. Although Jack and I were somewhat at odds on occasion, I thought we made a pretty good team. Between getting Will back from Barbossa and our fight with Davey Jones up until the end- I did miss him. A lot more than I thought I would. 

Will put his arm around my shoulder, kissing my temple as he pulled me closer to him. "I'm so glad you're alright, my love." He whispered to me.

"I love you so much, Will." I whispered back, his chocolate eyes welling with tears. He quickly turned from me, blinking them away as he tried to hide himself wiping his eyes.

"He fooled us all, right till the end," Gibbs continued, "But I guess that honest streak finally won out. To Jack Sparrow!" He raised his cup of rum.

Sentiments rang out amongst the crew. "Never another like Captain Jack." "He was a gentleman of fortune, he was."

"He was the best of us." I chimed in, staring into the bottom of my empty cup. Will slid his full one over to me. I took a sip before returning it to him and he did the same, as did the rest of the crew as we toasted to our fallen Captain. 

And maybe it was the alcohol that I wasn't used to or maybe it was this surprisingly overwhelming sense of grief, but regardless, I found myself saying, "Tia Dalma, can you bring him back?" Everyone's heads shot up and turned to me, "What Will and Jack did for me, can I do that for him?"

"Y/n, no!" Will yelled, "I am not losing you again, if we brought him back someone else would have to die and I can't go through that again." 

"Will, I would be honoured to give my life for his!"

"Think about what you're saying right now, Y/n. I won't let you!"

"I can change this! We can bring him back-"

"What if..." Tia Dalma cut me off and everyone's attention jumped from me and Will over to her, "There was a way without sacrifice?" She grinned in a dark manner, one that brought chills to my arms. "Would you sail to the ends of the earth and beyond to fetch back witty Jack and him precious Pearl?"

"Aye!" I said without hesitation.

"Aye." Will said next.

"Aye"'s rang out from the rest of the crew as we all stood up in solidarity. 

"Alright," Tia Dalma said, her smile widening, "But if you go and brave the weird and haunted shores at world's end... then you will need a captain who knows those waters." She turned around and turned her gaze to the staircase, the rest of us following suit.

And down those stairs clunked a pair of black boots and I felt my stomach drop.

"So tell me, what's become of my ship?" Barbossa asked, taking a bite of a green apple.

"Can I speak with you for a moment?" I asked, pulling Tia Dalma aside as the crew, Will, and Barbossa spoke in the main room.

"Yes young one, what can I do for you?" We took a seat on two chairs in a room down the hall.

"Ever since I came back," I took a deep breath, "I've been seeing things. Things that aren't there or at least, haven't happened yet." She nodded as she pondered. "When the kraken took over the Pearl, I had seen it before it happened. and I saw the key and the chest before I was ever told about them."

"Yes, that's not surprising." She replied. 

"Why? Why is it happening to me? Why can I see these things? I had a connection with the kraken when it took down the Pearl, is that a part of this too?"

"My dear girl, so many questions." She laughed, "Some things... some things aren't for everyone to know. You have been somewhere most people never come back from. Death. You see things others don't because you have died. And I brought you back such like. Life is death as past is present and future."

I couldn't understand what she meant in the slightest but I decided not to press it as I didn't think I'd be getting any further answers. "Only one thing I've seen hasn't yet come to pass." She looked questioningly at me and I continued, "I saw Will- and he looked the same as the crew of the Dutchman."

"And that will too come to pass." She said.

I felt the wind get knocked out of my lungs, I took another breath, "So... he is going to be part of Jones' crew?"


"What does that mean?"

"Some things aren't for everyone to know." She repeated.

"Is there anything I can do to stop it?"

"Perhaps, perhaps not. Time will tell."

'Perhaps' still meant there was a chance; a chance that wouldn't be Will's fate, a change that I could change it; that I could save him. I needed to save him. 


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