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Fire enveloped the lands of which we called home, ash and smoke fill our lungs to the point of tears and sand filling our eyes. The air, so thick that it is impossible to breathe, let alone survive. We look over our shoulder at our commander, but his eyes are set further ahead of our troops, focused on the enemy across the border, their constant barrage of attacks pushing us further and further back onto our own soil. Our fallen brothers and sisters, trampled by their kirza boots. Watching their blood pool out fills our hearts with so much dread that our souls are crushed as well.

It had been like this for hundreds of years, war raging out across all land, so many have died to the Russians raw claws. My own hands covered in the bloodshed spilled, my heart has suffered so much, but I must carry on, I have a mission to complete. I must not give into the temptation to lay down and just give up. I have to survive, I not only for my team, but for my family too. God, how I miss my little girl, I can't wait for this war to be over. Sedna, protect our little girl, before the claws of insanity take her as well.

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