Why does it feel so good, but hurt so bad? Carolly fanfiction

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Olly's P.O.V

"Let's talk to the boys" I looked at Caroline when she said it, I'm not sure she noticed how jealous I was of her flirty banter with them. I know she is professional, and wouldn't let anything happen during the show but I wanted her, I didn't need any added competition.

The interview continued smoothly until we were interviewing James. We were having our usual banter but today seemed different to usual. "So, are you going to ask Caroline on another date tonight?" I asked cheekily, noticing Caroline rolling her eyes and blushing. I wasn't ready for James's reply though, "I was going to Murs, but I wouldn't want to interrupt this thing you two have going on!" I didn't reply, I didn't know how to. What I really wanted to say was 'I wish there was something' but I couldn't. I hadn't even told Caroline I felt that way about her, not in a serious way. It was a awkward silence for a bit until Caroline finally spoke, taking the weight from me. "I would have said no anyway James, I'm a professional." She smiled cheekily and had the whole studio laughing.i don't know why they laughed, she meant it. That's why I've never told her how I feel.

Caroline's P.O.V

I didn't know what was going on with Olly, every time somebody mentioned me and him, even in a jokey way, he went all tense and didn't know what to say. I've waited so long to tell him I wanted to be his girl, but I had made myself a promise to be professional and I'm sticking to that. Anyway, he is a huge pop-star, I am a presenter. What would he see in me?!


"What was that about earlier, Ols?" I asked him after the show. He didn't reply, it was actually beginning to scare me a bit. I didn't know if it was something I'd done, or something I hadn't done. Was it even me? "Don't worry about it Caz, I'll be alright" he replied quite a while later. "What have I done Olly, just tell me?" That's when he turned to face me for the first time today. "I have to tell you something Caroline." I could hear the sincerity in his voice, this wasn't like him at all.

Olly's P.O.V

I took her in to my dressing room and sat on the sofa. I don't think my heart ever beat so fast before. I looked in to her eyes, I could see I was worrying her, that is the last thing I wanted. "Caroline, I've been wanting to tell you something for a while now, I don't want you to think this is something I've rushed in to because believe me, I've spent every second of every day thinking about this for months. It's driving me crazy. I don't want you to feel under pressure, or embarrassed but, I love you. I want to be with you."


Nobody said anything for a while, Caroline didn't look as worried now as before but I didn't know what she was thinking. How could I? I know what I wanted her to say, what I wanted her to do but this was a big thing, and it has to be 100% her decision. I stood up, about to walk out when she grabbed my hand. "I feel the same way Olly, from the first day I met you I knew that you were special and that you meant a lot to me. I never told you, I didn't want to ruin your career or our friendship"

Caroline's P.O.V

What had just happened? Did I really just find out that Olly felt the same way as I had been feeling for all this time? I didn't know what to do. I really wanted to be with him but what about the contract... It clearly stated that things had to remain professional otherwise it could affect the show and our careers. I stood up to look in to Olly's eyes when he moved his head closer. "I want this to happen Caz, but I do have a condition?" Our foreheads were millimetres away from each other now. "And what would that be Ols?" I smiled, but I was nervous and my heart was racing. "We take things slow, I don't want to be one of those couples that has sex on the first date, or snogs for the cameras, I want to go at our pace, not everybody else's." I smiled and nodded. He held my hand tightly and just looked at me. We stayed this way for a few minutes until there was a knock at his dressing room door.

Tim the producer walked in "Olly, I came to find out what was up? Oh hey Caroline" he smiled at me. "Oh Tim, don't worry about it mate, that's why Caroline was here. She calmed me down and I'd rather not talk about it again" Olly winked at me sneakily and smiled at Tim. "Ah, ok. Well done Flack. Right, I shall see you both on Tuesday for next weeks rehearsal?" Tim walked out before either of us could answer. I looked at Olly and just smiled. Nothing really needed to be said, we knew what we were both thinking. "Back to mine for takeaway?" Olly laughed. "Yeah, why not?" I laughed with him.

This could possibly be the start of something magical, and dangerous.

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