Chapter 4

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-Olly's P.O.V-

"So, Mr Murs and Miss Flack, would you like to know the baby's gender?" Dr.Cheung asked us.

"Yes, Please." I said enthusiastically.

"You heard the man.." Caroline agreed.

"They're both girls!" Dr. Cheung said.

"WHAT?!" Me and Caroline said at the same time.

Both girls? As in, two? No fucking way.

"You were aware that you're having twins, Miss Flack?" Dr. Cheung asked her.

"No, Maurice. I was not." Caroline replied to him, not very happy.

"I am so sorry, it was written in your notes..." Dr. Cheung tried to cover up.

"Two babies?" I asked, finally letting the news sink in.

"Yes, Mr. Murs. Twins normally means two..." Dr. Cheung tried to lighten the mood.

"I need air..." I said walking out of his office.

-Caroline's P.O.V-

"I need air..." Olly said, leaving the room. I was devastated... He couldn't handle it. I broke down crying.

"Can I have a picture?" I asked the doctor and he nodded, leaving me to have some space.

I really didn't know that it was twins but I didn't think Olly would react like that.

They were our little girls, could he really give up on us?

The doctor handed me 6 copies of the scan and I left. Olly was nowhere to be seen.

I got in to my car and I drove, not to home but to the only other place I would consider.


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