Final part.

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Olly lay on his bed with Caroline securely in his arms. It was the only way he felt comfortable. It had already been 5 months since they got together and today was the day they found out if Xtra would have them back.

Caroline's P.O.V

I wriggled around in Olly's arms and he could tell something was up. He turned my body to face him. "What is it babe? What's bothering you?" He questioned, with genuine concern. I didn't know how to tell him. I'd not found out for sure myself. "Olly I am late..." I said, looking at him in the eyes. I'm not entirely sure he twigged what I was getting at. "Late? Late for wha-OMG!" He said sitting bolt upright. His face was a mixture of emotions. I felt a tear stream down my face, I think he did too as he put an arm around me. "Have you done a test?" He asked quietly. "No." I replied, if I said any more I might have cried too much. "How would you feel about having a baby?" Olly asked me, his voice shaking. I tried to tell by his facial expression how he was feeling but couldn't. "Whatever happens between us Olly, I can't get rid of my baby." I said looking in to his eyes. He leant in and kissed me gently. "Good, I wouldn't want you to. I want this too." He said, still really close to my face. I couldn't help but smile.

Olly's P.O.V

I couldn't believe what was happening. I could possibly be a dad in under 9 months. "If I'm pregnant, I'm going to give up Xtra..." Caroline said looking at me. "I will too, I won't carry on with Xtra when I have you, our baby and my music to focus on." I kissed her forehead. We stayed in that embrace for minutes until she finally spoke. "How on earth am I going to get a pregnancy test without anybody unwanted finding out?" She looked at me for suggestions. "We have three options babe; Jody, Faye or Sarah." I said to her. We agreed on Sarah, knowing she would be the most discreet about the situation. I picked up my phone and tapped in her number. "Hello?" I heard her voice on the other side of the phone. "Er Sarah, Hi. As weird and upfront this may sound, is there any chance you could discreetly buy a pregnancy test and bring it to mine?" I said quickly, my spare hand on Caroline's leg. "Oh my god, Olly. Are you serious?" She sounded excited. "Yes, please just don't let it slip." I said before thanking her and hanging up. "She's on her way." I said, kissing Caroline's head.

Caroline's P.O.V

I heard a knock on Olly's front door. "I'll get it, don't worry." He said pulling on a T-Shirt and running down the stairs to greet Sarah. I threw on some comfy jeans and a loose top and followed him minutes later. I walked in to the living room where Olly and Sarah were standing waiting for me. "Here you go babe..." Olly said, handing over the cardboard box. I looked down at the two pregnancy tests in my hand and just stood there. "It's OK to be scared, darling'." Sarah said looking at me. Olly came over and hugged me tight, "I will be right outside the door" He said, nuzzling his head in to my chest. I walked out of the living room and in to the bathroom. I locked the door.

Olly's P.O.V

I watched her walk in to the bathroom then followed her and sat outside the door. "I'm here, just like I said. I promise I will be here for you and the baby too, Caz." I said, trying to calm the nerves I knew she was feeling. After a couple of minutes I heard the door unlock and I stood up. She opened the door and walked straight in to my open arms. "How long do you have to wait?" I mumbled into her hair. "Just 3 more minutes." She said, still holding me close. I saw Sarah out of the corner of my eye, looking at the two of us. She half smiled at me as I stroked Caroline's hair. Those 3 minutes were the slowest 3 minutes of my life. I felt Caroline's grip loosen on me and I let my hands fall to my side. She turned around and went over to the pregnancy test by the sink.

Caroline's P.O.V

One line is negative, two lines is positive I read to myself. "So, what's the verdict?" Olly said, leaning up against the door. I turned over the pregnancy test in front of me and looked at it. Two red lines. "We're having a baby..."

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