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Moshi-Moshi minna! How are you today? Well, I'm great because this is my new fanfiction Novel of a Vampire. Here's the prologue *attempts to do something cool looking* *falls on face* *cough* okay just...arigato for reading!

I woke up to the light pouring in from my window. I grumbled as I covered myself with my sheets, I had forgotten to close them the night before. I rolled over while keeping my covers over me.

My eyes slowly opened and I stared at my phones bright screen. It said it was 6:27 but I didn't believe it. Lucky me it was a Saturday, I rolled over and prepared to go back to sleep when I remembered the blinds.

I sighed and got up, carefully keeping the blanket between me and the window. I scurried over and quickly closed the blinds. I sighed again, now that I was up there was no way I was getting back to sleep.

I shrugged the blanket off and let it drop to the floor. I stared longingly at the bed before walking over to my door and pulling it open. I glared at the floor, the water plumbing was messed up at the moment and it was leaking all over the floor right in front of my door.

I tried to step over the water but I heard the squishing sound as I stepped in it. I cringed at the cold carpet and water under my feet. I quickly got off and dragged my feet to dry them as I trudged into the kitchen.

As I walked into the kitchen cool, hard wood floor met my still wet feet, making me slide a little. I shook my head in frustration and carefully walked over to the cabinet next to the fridge, pulling it open and grabbing a red cup.

I almost always grabbed red, it wasn't my favourite colour, pink was. My eyes were just attracted to it; it was becoming even more hard to ignore more and more recently. I set it down on the counter and opened the fridge door, pulling out some milk and chocolate syrup.

I set those down next to the cup and grabbed a long spoon from the draw next to me. I started to pour the milk and syrup in and stirred, making my chocolate milk. When I was done mixing I put the milk and syrup back.

I heard someone starting to move around, probably my father, he started work early. I didn't think anything of it as I heard a drop of liquid on the floor, I thought it was just the plumbing issue.

I took a swig of my drink, a long one. I made a content sound as my throat was refreshed. I heard someone behind me and turned to see my parents looking scared out of their minds. I raised my eyebrow at them "What?"

I looked down and saw my red cup covered in even more red, my chocolate milk not so chocolate coloured and the floor not so wooden looking. I gasped, blood was everywhere. It was on the floor around me, it was on me and it made a trail where I walked.

I ran to the bathroom and tried to look at myself in the mirror but I wasn't there. I stared at an empty mirror. I put my hand up to my mouth in shock and felt something wet.

I took my hand away and it, too, was covered in blood. I put my hand back and felt small fangs that weren't supposed to be there. I couldn't scream, I could only stare with wide eyes, seeing nothing but the wall behind me in the mirror.

I heard and saw the door open but I didn't see anyone in the mirror. I turned and saw my mom with a sad look on her face "Honey-" I cut her off as I suddenly became angry "What's wrong with me?! Why am I covered" I couldn't bring myself to say it.

"Blood," my mum finished for me. I just nodded and crumbled to the floor, in the small blood pool at my feet "W-What...what's happening t-to me?" I looked up at her in desperation but she didn't say anything.

Instead she knelt down next to me and put a hand on my shoulder "We knew this day would come," she whispered. I stared at her, angry at her "You knew?! What do you mean "we"?!" She tried to calm me down but I was having none of it.

"You knew this would happen?! What am I?! What is this?!" She didn't try to touch me as I stood up and backed away from her as much as I could in the small space. "You're becoming your true self, it happened to your father and I as well."

I gaped as she opened her mouth wide and showed me her fangs. They were longer than mine and a lot sharper looking than mine felt. She closed her mouth and tried to reach for me again. I shook my head and started shaking, my own mother...

"You're a vampire?" I whispered and she nodded. I took deep breaths though they didn't calm me like they usually did "W-What?" I muttered to myself as I stared down at my hands. Suddenly, it all clicked.

My hands were bloody, covered in blood that wasn't mine. I couldn't see myself in my mirror. I had fangs, though only barely. I was becoming a vampire, this was the special change my mother told me about when I was young.

She always said I'm different but not in a bad way, I'm not like everyone else but I'm not far off. One day I'd change into something amazing.

She had always said that it was an amazing thing but I didn't feel amazing at all. I realised I wasn't breathing so I took a breath. "You are only starting your change, your father and I will lead you though this," my mum said, again trying to calm me down.

My name is Lucy Heartfilia. This is my story about how I became a vampire. I'll start you off a few days before I woke up covered in blood. Monday. The day he arrived.

I hope you enjoyed that! The whole plumbing thing is actually happening to me now so I thought I'd add it because why not? Anyway, arigato for reading!

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