Ch-2 Introduction: Alastor The Timeless (II)

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No One's POV

Raiden Mei.

A teenage woman with a brilliant physique, extremely beautiful face and body. He purple locks were long and mesmerizing, with matching purple eyes to boot.

Even with the pink armour she wore while fighting through mobs of honkai and zombies, she still looked as graceful as ever.

It's easy to see why Kiana simps for her so much.

Mei dodged an attack from a zombie by going under and twirled while staying low, making her katana slash through the zombie-like butter.

She then gracefully stood up straight and sheathed and blade behind her.

"Hmm. That should be enough."

Although, during this time of silence, Mei failed to realise that there was in fact, one zombie still left. Using its weapon as a crutch, it silently approached Mei, as if to finish her off.

Several hurried footsteps followed suit as an excited tuna barged into the room and kicked the zombie away, a large cat paw emerging from her foot.

Mei looked back, completely startled by this, but Kiana's smiling face never left her.

"Mei!" She excitedly screamed and hugged her from behind. "I'll get the strength of 100 warriors if Mei's around!"

"A hundred ? I'm not ultra woman..." Said Mei, completely misunderstanding her words.

"No! I mean, of Mei senpai's around, I feel my power increase a hundred fold!" Kiana corrected her and blatantly showed just how much she truly liked Mei.

Mei smiled fondly when she heard her say that.

"That doesn't sound like something Kiana would say."

They then exchanged a few words while moving forward, but Kiana was very destructive and ran through the hordes of zombies recklessly.

"... alright, Kiana. Keep being"flexible" and I'll have to reconsider your battle deployment." Himeko said from Hyperion, her eyebrows visibly twitching in annoyance.

Of course, if the person in the front lines was Alastor, she wouldn't have complained, since she knows just how strong Alastor is, and the fact that he isn't a reckless idiot like Kiana.

"Still remember why I deployed you with Mei ?" She asked her.

Himeko already expected to hear a stupid, unserious answer from her.

"... because we are soulmates with a special connection ?" Kiana, still stuck in her delusion, replied with innocent looking eyes.

This made Mei stare at her with a deadpan.

"Be serious Kiana."

While she may find Kiana's antics funny and cute, it doesn't mean she approves of them during such serious situations. It makes her mind remember what happened in Nagazora, a memory that made her whole body tremble.

"It was mostly Captain Alastor's idea, but I still completely agree with him. Mei, please take care of her." Said Himeko, making Kiana scowl.

"Hey! Stop belittling me! And that stupid Alastor should stop interfering between me and Mei! Hmph!" She folded her arms, closed her eyes, pouted and looked away.

"...Kiana... You do realise Alastor was the one that set us up as a team, right...?"

Suddenly, something shattered behind Kiana as the realisation hit her harder than a herrscher could. Her disillusioned mind immediately began thinking of various things and reasons that were clearly not true.
Her beautiful blue eyes twinkled as the image of her captain trying his best to set her up with her beloved Mei made her heart flutter and joy rushed through her being.

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