Chapter 8:Pursuit

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Kirtan, Deila and Heogarma watched, as Verlan and Jolara sparred with sticks, their technique steadily improving, as their bodies became more accustomed to the strain of combat.

Verlan blocked Jolara's thrust and kicked her in the gut, pushing her back. He attacked with a flurry of swift strikes, all of which she deflected. As he brought his stick down on her guard, she angled her stick, and moved to the side, causing him to stumble past her. She swung her stick at his exposed back, but he brought his stick behind him, blocking the blow just in time, and moved aside.

They faced each other once more. As they locked their weapons in place, Jolara pushed Verlan's stick aside and brought her elbow down on his shoulder, and drew it back, driving it in his chest, following up with a slam kick to his sternum, throwing him back. He flipped back to his feet on his palm, and as she attacked, he released a jet of blue fire, which she evaded, having no element of her own to counter his fire with. She went around to his side. His stick was out of position, and he was forced to duck, her stick missing him by mere inches.

He launched into an attack of his own, and for a while, they were evenly matched. Then, she sidestepped his attack, and struck his knuckles, forcing him to release his stick. He evaded her swings, and kicked her in the wrist, disarming her as well. 

Kirtan manipulated the earth under their feet, spreading it out, moving them away from each other before they could resume.

"Good effort. Both of you did everything right. Now, let's see how you would fare as a team, against a lone opponent. Heogarma, perhaps?" Kirtan said.

Heogarma nodded, and drew her staff. Verlan and Jolara stood side by side, adjusting their grips on their sticks nervously.

Heogarma struck first, swiftly putting them on the defensive. It took all of their skill just to maintain a defense, as she attacked in a whirlwind of staff strikes, integrating air whips and waves into her sequences. Verlan brought up a fire shield, just as an air whip came flying at him.

The shield wavered, but held. and Jolara used the opportunity to counter attack, striking at Heogarma's seemingly exposed flank. Verlan attacked as well, but both of their sticks were blocked, and Heogarma released two air waves, sending both of them back. Verlan retaliated with a torrent of fire, expecting her to block. Instead, Heogarma seemingly absorbed it, , and channeled it into a massive air wave, which tore through his fire shield, sending him to his back. Heogarma evaded Jolara's strikes and raced toward him, accelerating with air.

Her full might crashed down on him, forcing him to give ground. He saw Jolara rushing to reinforce him. He just needed to hold on a little longer, and she would be able to relieve the pressure on him. He knew any attempt to retaliate would be pointless, thus he channeled all his energy into defense. Heogarma pushed him back further, and slam kicked him in the chest, sending him to his back. He rolled back to his feet, and blocked a rain of strikes, and threw up a fire shield, blocking a volley of air spikes.

At that moment, Jolara struck. Heogarma blocked her strike with her staff, and pushed her away. The two siblings attacked her together, but still, it did not matter. Heogarma disarmed Verlan, and pushed Jolara away with an air wave. As Verlan tried to retaliate, she blocked his kick and swept him off his feet, and held her staff to his chest. Jolara attacked from her rear, but Heogarma called Verlan's stick to her free hand, blocking her blows. She retaliated.

Jolara held her own for a while, but eventually, Heogarma disarmed her as well, and took her down to the ground, her arm locked facing up, Heogarma's staff at her temple.

"How did you absorb my fire like that?" Verlan asked. "I do not entirely understand that. It is a very rare ability, to channel your foe's power, no matter what it is. That is how I defeated Raksaiar on Xaraeon, 20 years ago. I used his etheron powers against him", Heogarma replied.

"This ability has not been seen since an apprentice of Judeor Keralis, the first Altiris Knight, took on a group of the ancient Nairo Wizards, some 4000 years ago. Throughout history, only a few warriors could do this. One of them was Judeor Keralis", Kirtan said.

Kirtan's comlink beeped. "We have a problem. A large uriak patrol group is approaching your position. All of you have to get out of there immediately. They have Reapers and hybrids with them", Alkor said. "Thank you", Kirtan replied, and the call ended.

"Let's go. Hide in the forest", he said.

They rushed to the nearby forest, and watched through the trees, as several uriak ships passed over where they were mere minutes prior. Two troop carriers descended, and 80 uriaks exited. With them were 10 Reapers and 4 hybrids.

"What are we going to do now?" asked Verlan. "Stay hidden. If they find us, we are as good as dead. The regular uriak soldiers are one thing. Even most Reapers are not much more threatening. But the hybrids are something else entirely. Even with my ability to channel all energy, it is too much", Heogarma replied.

"One of the hybrids is an earth wielder", Kirtan said. "How do you know?" Verlan asked. "All wielders have the ability to detect others of the same element. Mind wielders can detect anyone. You will learn more about that later on", Deila replied.

"They found us. We have to move now", Kirtan said, and the earth under them began to move. They felt themselves moving deeper into the forest, as Kirtan shifted the ground under them.

"Etheron!", Heogarma said, throwing up an air shield, blocking the vile green substance the hybrids sent at them. Earth, air, fire and light were launched at them, along with more etheron. Deila, Verlan and Heogarma blocked the attacks with air, fire and light shields, while Kirtan channeled all of his energy into maintaining their motion, to put as much distance between them and the uriaks as possible.

Then, a mental cloud swept over them, and Verlan's fire shield dissipated, as the mental energy overloaded his undeveloped defenses.

"How?" "Mind blocking. It locks down a wielder's energy, preventing them from using their powers. With enough concentration or willpower, one can overcome that barrier, but it is very difficult. Even more experienced wielders may not be able to do it, depending on the strength of the mind block", Heogarma said, straining, as her air shield wavered. Deila was struggling as well, her air and light shields now significantly weaker.

"Can't you channel that cloud into yourself?" Jolara asked. "This ability only works on direct attacks. It does not work against mind blocking", Heogarma replied. "We can't hold much longer. The mind block is too strong", Deila said through gritted teeth, fighting to maintain her shields. "I am putting in all the energy into this I can. You must keep going", Kirtan replied, straining, as they jerked, the movement slowing down.

Verlan tried to release fire, but not so much as a spark came out. "Concentrate", Deila said. "I can't. My thoughts are wandering all over", Verlan replied, desperately trying to hold onto something. "Think of something you hold dear. Focus on it, and ignore all else", Deila said. "The mind block is focusing on us."

Verlan closed his eyes, and imagined him and Jolara safely at home, as younger children, playing games with their parents, before his father was deployed. He focused on the laughter, the happiness he felt during those moments, and the warmth of family. The warmth flowed through his mind, and another kind of warmth sparked once more. He opened his eyes, and let the energy flow out of his hands, but not into a shield, but into a wave of power, sending it at their foes, forcing them to cease their attacks.

Verlan immediately felt a massive drain on his energy, and became lightheaded, collapsing in Jolara's arms.

"He will be fine. Don't worry", Deila said, placing her hand on his forehead. "He just needs to rest after that strain." With the pressure on them gone, they were able to put more distance between them and their pursuers, and stopped for a much needed rest.

After a light dinner, as the sun went down, Deila took the first watch. Verlan and Jolara talked quietly, discussing the day's events.

"How did you break the mind block?" Jolara asked. "I focused on a memory of us playing a game with mother and father, a few days before he was deployed. The warmth, the happiness, gave me the strength I needed", Verlan replied. "I'd like to go back to that. Without the uriaks and this war", Jolara said. "Me too." They embraced, and as night took over, drifted off to sleep.

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