Chapter 12:Rescue

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Alar and Orkala reached the technical room, which was thankfully unoccupied. Orkala sat behind a computer, and began working. "Let me know if someone comes", she said, hacking into the system. "Alright", he replied.

Some 15 minutes later, Orkala finally found what she was looking for. "I didn't know you could hack like that", Alar said, amazed. "Private training sessions with Korin. He was surprisingly helpful", she replied, writing down the 12 digit security code to Freya's cell. "And you killed him?" Alar said, his tone devoid of any accusation.

"Most of the work was done by the Knight Ilgorn wanted us to kill. I just stopped him from blowing a grenade in a hail mary tactic", Orkala replied.

"Come on. Let's get this shit over with", she said, and they left the room, heading for Freya's cell.


The uriaks restraining them were flung aside, as Heogarma appeared. Deila, Kirtan and Erizan burst into action, the former burning through a hybrid's neck with a beam of light. Erizan froze the other in place, while Kirtan, Deila and Heogarma disposed of the other uriaks. Caught off guard, their foes could do nothing, as the Knights finished them off one by one.

"What took you so long?" Deila asked. "Had a close call. No time to explain. We are not done yet. let's go before more of them come", Heogarma replied.

Indeed, before it died, one of the uriak soldiers triggered an alarm. They would be swarmed within minutes.

They heard running from the other side of the hall, and stopped, but lowered their weapons, when Orkala appeared.

"Who is with you?" Erizan asked. "A friend. Come on. We have to move", Orkala replied. "Do you have the security code with you?" Heogarma asked. "Yes." They proceeded onward, miraculously avoiding any uriaks, when suddenly, shots came from all around them. "I will get you to her cell!" Erizan called to Orkala.

The three ran, while Deila, Kirtan and Heogarma occupied most of the uriaks, turning their attention away from them. Still, a few followed. Orkala and Alar fired on them, and Erizan blocked their shots, allowing his companions to keep going. Then, they were split again, as several Reapers and a squad of soldiers attacked Erizan. Alar and Orkala ran forward, when two mind wielders blocked their path.

"Valiant effort. Now die", they said, and waves of energy slammed into them, leaving them powerless. As the mental energy drained their strength, and despair began creeping in, shots distracted them. Their escape ship appeared, as Raelin fired shot after shot at the mind wielders. More arrived, but he set the ship to autopilot, and jumped in through a destroyed window. He unleashed a torrent of lightning, killing two of them.


Freya lifted her head, awakened by all the noise from downstairs. Hope flared in her, but she suppressed it, afraid of disappointment. Still, the spark in her had ignited, and she allowed herself to entertain the possibility of a rescue, at last. After nearly three months, a rescue had come. She listened carefully, absorbing as much as she could fit into her tired mind, exhausted after weeks of nonstop torture.


While they were distracted, Orkala blasted one of the mind wielders, killing her, and Alar shot another. Raelin kept the others occupied with his sword and lightning, skewering one more, while the others engaged him in close combat, supported by a few uriak soldiers.

"Go!" Raelin ordered, as he dealt with the new arrivals.

They kept running, and finally, reached level 6. At that point, Erizan caught up to them, and the three reached Freya's cell. Erizan and Alar stood guard, as she punched in the security code.

Finally, the door opened, and they burst in.

Erizan cut through her chains, and she dropped, though he caught her. She embraced him, relieved.

"I am sorry for letting them find you. It's my fault", Freya said, her heart pounding in her chest. "It's alright. There is nothing you could have done. Come on. Let's get you out of here", Erizan said, patting her on the back.

"Why are these two here?" Freya exclaimed, ice covering her hands. "It's alright. They are with me. You are safe. And, you should have these. I took them from the thief's corpse", Erizan replied, taking out her and Reala's energy swords from his belt. Freya accepted the weapons with trembling hands, unable to believe her eyes.

She activated the swords, and gazed in happiness at the bright green and yellow blades, before shutting them off. "Thank you", she said.

Kirtan, Deila and Heogarma arrived, and Freya greeted them with the same enthusiasm, finally being reunited with them after nearly three months in Ilgorn's captivity.

"Where is Ilgorn?" she asked. "Took care of him. He will not bother us with his sick perversion again", Alar said.

"Uriaks!" Kirtan called, activating his energy sword. Freya unleashed a rain of ice shards, taking down many of them, but the hybrids blocked her attacks, and forced them back.

"All of you, get over here!" Raelin called. They rushed to the destroyed window, and jumped onto the landing ramp. Raelin ushered them in, and once all of them were safely inside, he pulled away from the building, just as the prison guards opened fire on them, and the uriak battle group moved in. It was then, that the human ships provided by General Sularen came to their rescue, destroying many of the uriak orbs and larger ships.

Raelin directed their ship to a cruiser, and entered its hangar, while they fought off the uriak vessels. They moved away from the prison, and out of the city, where the uriaks could no longer pursue them.

For the first time in months, Freya allowed herself to relax fully, now safe among friends.

That night, they caught up on everything that happened since their separation, and enjoyed a well earned rest, safe from uriak prying eyes.

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