chapter 01: the unwanted guest

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Kasper's POV:

As the remnants of our chaotic breakfast settled, a sense of unease lingered in the air, like a storm brewing on the horizon. We had barely finished cleaning up the mess from my failed cooking attempt when a loud knock echoed through the mansion, sending a shiver down my spine.

Lucy's eyes widened in alarm, her hand instinctively reaching for the makeshift weapon she kept by her side. "Who could that be?" she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur. Jace shot me a wary glance, his hand hovering near his own weapon as he moved to stand beside Lucy. "I don't know, but we need to be prepared for anything," he cautioned, his tone serious.

With a nod of agreement, I followed suit, gripping the handle of a nearby shovel tightly as we made our way towards the door. The mansion felt eerily quiet, the only sound the pounding of our hearts in our ears as we approached the source of the disturbance. As Lucy cautiously opened the door, the sight before us left us frozen in shock. Standing in the doorway was a figure cloaked in darkness, their features obscured by the dim light filtering in from outside. "Who are you?" Lucy demanded, her voice steady despite the fear rushing through her veins.

The figure stepped forward, the light catching the glint of a blade strapped to their belt. "I come seeking refuge," they replied, their voice low and gravelly. "The world outside is no longer safe, and I fear I may not survive much longer on my own." My grip tightened on the shovel, a sense of foreboding settling over me like a heavy blanket. "How do we know we can trust you?" I challenged; my voice tinged with suspicion.

The stranger hesitated for a moment before lowering their hood, revealing a face weathered by hardship and sorrow. "I may be a stranger to you, but I assure you, I mean you no harm," they insisted, their eyes pleading for mercy. Lucy exchanged a wary glance with Jace before nodding in reluctant agreement. "Fine, you can stay," she conceded, her voice cautious. "But if you try anything, you'll regret it."

As the stranger stepped into the mansion, their presence casting a shadow of uncertainty over us, I couldn't shake the feeling that our lives were about to become even more chaotic than before. Little did we know, this encounter was just the beginning of a journey that would test our limits and push us to the brink of survival. And as the stranger settled into our midst, I couldn't help but wonder what other dangers are beyond the safety of our sanctuary.

Lucy's POV:

As I looked to see the appearance of the stranger, I was stunned to see Steven who stood before me, his presence, a chilling reminder of the past I'd rather forget, my heart hammered in my chest with a mixture of fear and anger. Memories of Tom, my first love, flooded my mind, along with the guilt of what had happened to him. But I pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the danger Steven posed in the present. "What do you want, Steven?" I demanded, my voice tinged with venom as I met his gaze, refusing to show any sign of weakness. Steven let out a smirk that sent a shiver down my spine, his eyes trailing over me in a way that made my skin crawl. "Just paying a visit to my old friends and my darling," he replied, his tone dripping with malice. "And wondering who's taken over as the man of the house in Tom's absence."

I clenched my fists, the mention of Tom hitting me like a punch to the gut. I refused to let Steven see how much his words affected me, how they reopened wounds I thought had healed long ago. "Tom's not here, hasn't been for a good few months," I spat, my voice barely above a whisper. "And he's never coming back." Steven's laugh grated on my nerves, a sound filled with bitterness and longing. "Still holding onto that fantasy, are you?" he taunted, taking a step closer. "But we both know the truth, Lucy. You couldn't protect him then, and you can't protect him now."

Jace's POV:

My blood boiled as I watched Steven's sickening display, his words a cruel reminder of the pain he had inflicted on Lucy and Tom. I had never forgiven him for what he had done and seeing him now only fuelled the rage burning within me. "Back off, Steven," I growled, my voice low and dangerous as I stepped forward, positioning myself between him and Lucy. "You're not welcome here."

Steven's gaze flickered to me, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Ah, Jace, always the protector," he sneered, his tone mocking. "But we both know you couldn't save Tom from Skyla, could you?" The mention of Skyla sent a surge of anger coursing through me, memories of her betrayal still fresh in my mind. But I pushed the rage aside, focusing on the task at hand—keeping Lucy safe from Steven's twisted games.

Kasper's POV:

Jealousy burned within me as I watched Steven taunt Lucy, his eyes lingering on her in a way that made my blood boil. I knew he had a history with her, one that went far beyond mere friendship, and the thought of him still harbouring feelings for her made my stomach churn with anger. But as I met Lucy's gaze, I saw the pain and fear lurking beneath the surface, and a fierce protectiveness surged within me. I may not have known the full extent of her past with Steven and Tom, but I knew enough to know that she deserved better than the torment he was putting her through.

Lucy's POV:

The rage bubbling beneath my skin threatened to consume me as Steven's taunts continued, each word like a dagger to my heart. But I refused to let him see my fear, refused to let him have the satisfaction of knowing he still held power over me. "You have no right to be here, Steven," I spat, my voice trembling with suppressed anger. "You lost that privilege the day you betrayed us."

Steven's smirk faltered as he took in my defiant stance, his eyes narrowing as they landed on my shortened hair. I could see the shock flicker across his face, a testament to how much he knew me, how much he remembered of the person I used to be.

Steven's POV:

Seeing Lucy standing before me, her hair now short and cropped, sent a shockwave of disbelief coursing through me. I remembered her long locks, jet black and flowing down her back in soft waves. It had been one of her defining features, a part of her that she had always cherished. But now, her hair was different—shorter, more unruly, yet still undeniably beautiful. The sight of it brought a flood of memories rushing back, memories of a time before the world fell apart, before everything went to hell. "I see you've had a change of style," I remarked, my voice betraying the surprise I felt. "I always loved your long hair." Lucy's glare hardened; her fists clenched at her sides. "Save your compliments, Steven," she retorted, her tone laced with venom. "They mean nothing coming from you."

Jace's POV:

I watched as Lucy squared off against Steven, her newfound strength a stark contrast to the fear I knew she felt inside. Seeing him standing there, his presence a constant reminder of the pain he had caused, filled me with a simmering rage that threatened to boil over. "Enough, Steven," I interjected, my voice cutting through the tension like a knife. "You're not welcome here, and you damn well know it."

Steven's gaze flickered to me, a sneer curling at the corners of his lips. "Ah, Jace, always the protector," he mocked, his words dripping with disdain. "But we both know how that turned out last time, don't we?" My fists clenched at my sides, the memory of Tom's betrayal burning like a brand in my mind. But I pushed the anger aside, focusing on the task at hand—keeping Lucy safe from Steven's twisted games.

Kasper's POV:

The tension in the room was palpable as Steven and Lucy faced off, their words like daggers in the air. I could feel the anger radiating off Lucy in waves, a fire burning within her that refused to be extinguished. But as I met her gaze, I saw something else there—resolve. She may have been afraid, may have been hurting, but she refused to back down, refused to let Steven get the best of her. And as I stood beside her, my own anger simmering just beneath the surface, I knew that together, we would face whatever challenges came our way. Steven may have been allowed to stay for now, but he would soon learn that Lucy was not someone to be trifled with, that she was more than capable of standing up for herself and those she cared about. And woe betide anyone who dared to test her resolve. 

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