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Alex stepped into the ward, his eyes immediately scanning the room. The sterile scent of disinfectant hung in the air as Alex surveyed the room. Four beds lined the wall, their occupants hidden behind thin curtains. But it was the bed by the window, bathed in weak afternoon sunlight, that drew his attention.

A woman, probably in her late forties, sat in a plastic chair beside the bed, her eyes focused on a book. Simi lay still, her face pale and turned slightly to the side, the IV lines snaking into her arms like a network of fragile threads. Her cheeks, once vibrant, now had a sunken appearance, and dark circles shadowed her eyes. The steady beep of the heart monitor punctuated the room's eerie silence, accompanied by the faint hum of fluorescent lights and the distant squeak of rubber-soled shoes in the hallway.

Alex's legs moved on their own, carrying him toward her bedside. He hesitated as he approached, his breath catching in his throat at the sight of her. The woman looked up, startled by his presence. She furrowed her brows, clearly not recognizing him.

Alex ran a hand through his unruly hair, acutely aware of his rumpled t-shirt and jeans in the pristine hospital environment. The older woman's neat appearance, with her pressed blouse and carefully pinned hair, made him feel even more out of place.

"Good afternoon," Alex said softly, feeling his voice falter. "I'm... I'm Alex. A friend of Simi's from university."

The woman closed her book and studied him for a moment, her expression still guarded. "I'm her aunt, Mrs. Idowu," she replied, her voice calm but with an underlying hint of suspicion. "I didn't know Simi had any male friends visiting her. How did you find her?"

Alex cleared his throat, feeling suddenly out of place. "I... I've been trying to reach her for a while now. When she didn't answer my calls, I got worried. I asked around and eventually found out she was here."

Mrs. Idowu's expression softened a little, but there was still caution in her eyes. "Well, it's good that you came, but she's been resting. She's not in the best shape to be receiving visitors, especially ones she hasn't seen in a while."

Alex nodded, a knot tightening in his stomach. "I understand. I just... I needed to see her. To make sure she's okay."

Mrs. Idowu sighed, glancing back at Simi. "She's been through a lot. We're all just taking it one day at a time."

Alex hesitated, unsure of how to ask the question that had been burning in his mind since he entered the room. "What... what exactly is wrong with her?" His voice was laced with concern.

Before Mrs. Idowu could answer, Simi stirred, her eyelids fluttering open slowly, as if even that small movement took considerable effort. She blinked a few times, her eyes adjusting to the light, revealing a dullness that wasn't there before. When she saw Alex standing there, her expression froze, but the effort it took to shift her gaze was palpable. "Alex?" she said, her voice hoarse, as she tried to sit up. A sharp wince crossed her face, and she quickly rested back against the pillows. "What are you doing here?"

Alex shifted on his feet, caught off guard. "I... I came to see you. You weren't picking my calls, and I got worried."

Simi groaned, a half-amused, half-exasperated sound escaping her lips. "So, you decided to play detective and track me down to a hospital?"

Alex rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a little foolish. "Well, when you put it like that, it sounds a bit... dramatic."

Simi rolled her eyes, though a faint smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "You always did have a flair for the dramatic, Alex."

Mrs. Idowu watched the exchange, a curious look on her face. "Simi, do you need some privacy? I can step out for a bit."

"No, Aunty, it's fine," Simi said quickly, glancing at Alex with a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. "We were just catching up."

Alex noticed Simi's effort to deflect the conversation, and though he was itching to know more about her condition, he sensed it wasn't the right time to press further. Instead, he decided to lighten the mood. "So, what's a guy gotta do to get a text back around here?" he teased, trying to keep things light.

Simi chuckled, though it was a weak sound. "Maybe don't go missing for days at a time? That might help."

Alex winced playfully. "Touché. But in my defense, I've been buried under schoolwork. You know how it is."

"Yeah, yeah, excuses, excuses," Simi replied, her voice growing a bit stronger. "But really, Alex, what are you doing here? Lagos traffic isn't something you deal with just for fun."

Alex shrugged, trying to play it cool. "What can I say? I missed my favorite study partner. Figured I'd show up and bribe you with some takeout to come back."

Simi laughed softly, though it quickly turned into a coughing fit. Mrs. Idowu immediately leaned forward, concern etched on her face, but Simi waved her off, trying to compose herself. Alex's smile faltered, his worry creeping back.

"Hey, take it easy," Alex said, his tone more serious. "I just wanted to see you. I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

Simi shook her head, still smiling despite the lingering cough. "No trouble at all. But next time, just send a text. You know I hate surprises."

"But I—never mind. Noted," Alex replied, a small grin returning to his face. "No more detective work, just good old-fashioned communication."

Simi's smile lingered for a moment before her eyes grew heavy again. "Thanks for coming, Alex," she murmured, her energy fading. "It's good to see you."

"Good to see you too, Simi," Alex said softly, his heart tightening in his chest as he watched her eyelids flutter and slowly drift shut, as if even sleep was a battle she was barely winning.

As Alex watched Simi drift off to sleep, a wave of helplessness washed over him. He'd come here hoping for answers, but left with even more questions. What had happened to the vibrant, unstoppable girl he knew? And more importantly, how could he help her now?

Mrs. Idowu stood, gently closing her book. "She needs to rest," she said, her voice kind but firm. "You can come back later if you like."

Alex nodded, his mind swirling with unanswered questions. "I'll be back," he promised, casting one last look at Simi before quietly exiting the room.

 "I'll be back," he promised, casting one last look at Simi before quietly exiting the room

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