===Day 6: Monophobia==== pt.1

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I ran away from something, but I didn't know what, and I ran down the street and passed some shops. I turned my head to look backwards as I ran. I saw the dark figure running after me still. I looked back to the front of me and saw the school. Without thinking, I ran as fast as I can to the school. Running down the hall, the dark figure still running after me. My legs were about to give out, but I managed to get to the computer lab. I slammed the door shut and locked it. My legs finally give out, and I fell on the ground. I sat up and looked at the door. It was shaking and it finally broke revealing the dark figure. I was to exhausted the scream, so I only stared at him. The figure got out a knife and held it to my neck.

I sat up and opened my eyes with cold sweat on my face. "Talimay, what's wrong?" I heard a voice above me asked. I looked up to see Seijuro looking at me with concern. "Nothing, just a dream," I replied. "It must have been a nightmare because you're going to sleep in my bed with me." Seijuro picked me up and walked to his bed. He laid me down softly onto the bed, and he laid down next to me. "Thank you, Seijuro," I said and fell asleep. "Anything for my Empress," he said and fell asleep.

I woke up and stretched my arms. I turned to where Seijuro should be, but he wasn't there. I got out of bed and went downstairs to make breakfast. Nobody was down there. I was alone alone, I'm afraid of being alone. I started to cry. I squeak was heard upstairs. I turned my head to the stairs and there was a dark figure. I screamed and ran out the door.

I ran down the street to the school. Bad idea. I arrived at the school and went to the computer lab. I opened, closed, and locked the door. The door shook until it was finally opened. There stood the dark figure. He approached me and stopped a few feet away from me. He landed on the floor knocked out. I looked up, and I saw Seijuro. 'Talimay, are you okay?" Seijuro said and hugged. I returned the hug and said, "I'm fine now." "Let's go home." I nodded.

Ways of Us (Talimay Kuroko x  Seijuro Akashi)Where stories live. Discover now