Alvin & Brittany's Date

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At Last Times Dare

Me: hahah this one is good

Simon: what is it?

Alvin: i hope its me now

Me: Alvin has a dare

Alvin: YES!! its my turn to dare!

Me: The dare is I Dare Alvin to date with Brittany

Alvin: What??!! Oh no no no i don't

Me: A Dare is a Dare Alvin, you have no choice

Alvin: yes i am, i will go to the room *late walk*

Me: *Grab Alvin's shirt* oh no you don't, you will do that dare or else i will tell the girls to date all of you

Alvin: fine fine ill do it

Simon: at least the girls are at the mall

Me: that dare is easy Alvin

Alvin: i know, ill do it myself, 'i hope she'll say yes'

2 Hours Later

Brittany: We're Back boys

Me: Come on Alvin date with her

Alvin: Fine *walk at Brittany* hey Britt

Brittany: Hi Alvin

Alvin: Do you want to go out with me?

Brittany: Are you asking me on a date Alvin?

Alvin: Yes Brittany

Brittany: Okay Lets go now

Me: Good Luck Alvin

Alvin & Brittany: *Leave*

4 Hours Later

Me: What taking them so long, its 5:00 pm now

Brittany: we're back

Simon: what taking you so long?

Brittany: well we go to restaurant and we go to mall again. Then at the park for long.

Alvin: *dizzy* in the park was amazing

Me: his he Okay Brittany?

Brittany: No his dizzy, i kiss him at park for long

Theodore: so that's why you go anywhere?

Brittany: Yes

Me: Okay, bye guys please comment us a dare or question. See ya guys


So this time I'm going to show 'Alvin & Brittany's Date'

At Date of Alvin & Brittany

Brittany: So what are we going to do?

Alvin: Lets Go to the Restaurant. The we go walk around the park.

Brittany: Okay so lets go

50 Minutes Later

Brittany: wow its so delicious

Alvin: Yup, okay lets go walk around the park

Brittany: Okay

There talking while walking around the Park

Brittany: Umm Alvin?

Alvin: Yeah?

Brittany: I'm have to tell you something

Alvin: Okay you can tell

Brittany: All the times we're fighting each other, complimenting each other, then Loving each other

Alvin: So?

Brittany: So I'm.....I'm..... *Like jealous*

Alvin: your what Brittany *saw a bench* why we're rest

Brittany: Okay *sit at the side*

Alvin: *Sit beside Brittany* So your what Brittany?

Brittany: okay, I'm...I'm in love with you

Alvin: You do?

Brittany: i know you can't believe me Alvin

Alvin: I believe in you Brittany, The truth is I'm in love with you too

Brittany: You Do?! *excited*

Alvin: Yes im-

Brittany: *hug him tight with crying* You do Love me Alvin, and now...*stop hugging* I'm going to kiss you second time

Alvin: Wait

Brittany: *Kiss at the lips*

So that's why when they got home Alvin was dizzy on the kiss, Leave a dare or question on the comments, and ask me guys i will tell you all my feelings, my favorites, my best friends, and most of all my crush. So that's it, See ya guys

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