Kiss Everyhour

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Me: *Reads the dare* Alvin you have a Dare!

Alvin: *Runs in* Really?!?! From who??

Me: It's from IloveAlvittany It says "I dare Alvin to kiss Brittany when he sees her for a day"

Alvin: Okay I'm gonna leave now *walk*

Me: Oh no you don't *catch Alvin* You will do it that dare

Alvin: Okay I'll do it that dare

Brittany: *came in* What is the dare??

Alvin: *Sees Brittany* *Fix himself* Hi Brittany *kiss at the cheek*

Brittany: Hi Alvin *blushed* What's the dare you did

Alvin: oh nothing the dare is *lie* Sam is going to Mall and buy some Chocolate and after that his going to date with someone

Brittany: is that true Sam?

Me: Yup well is that's the dare well I have to do it

Brittany: from who?

Me: Well from my friend of course.

Brittany: Oh Okay

Me: Well I have to go to the Mall so See ya Guys *leave*

Alvin: Well I have to go to the kitchen to get my snacks

Brittany: Okay see ya Alvin

2 Hours Later - At the Kitchen

Brittany: *Sit st the table*

Alvin: Hi Brittany *while walk to her, he kiss her at the cheek*

Brittany: *Blushed* why you kiss me always at the cheek?

Alvin: *Blushed* well I love to kiss you at the cheek, it's smooth

Brittany: Really? *smile at him*

Alvin: Yeah, well I have to go, I have something to do

Brittany: okay

4 Hours Later - Almost Night

Brittany: * sit in the couch and watching TV*

Me: *came in* Wow! Awesome Hangout!

Brittany: how's your dare Date Sam?

Sam: Well it's great!

Brittany: Cool! What did you do? *excited*

Me: Well *Explain alot*

Brittany: Wow You really did that Sam

Me: Yup!

Alvin: *Came in* Hey Brittany, Hi Sam! *walk at Brittany and kiss her at the cheek again*

Brittany: *blush*

Alvin: why are you always blushing?

Brittany: Nothing

Alvin: hmm okay? Anyway, how's your dare date Sam?

Me: oh it's fine, it's awesome! Haha

Alvin: well I hope that you enjoy your dare date

Me: I enjoy it alot. Well I have to go to my room and rest.

Alvin: Okay.

Next Day - 8:00 in the morning

Me: So how's the dare Alvin? Smooth on her cheek?

Alvin: no

Me: Admit it

Alvin: Still no

Me: Im telling brittany

Alvin: Okay Okay fine!, I admit it, her cheek is smooth.

Brittany: Really?

Alvin: Brittany? are you sneaking on us?

Brittany: Well first time i guess, Really Alvin do you love it?

Alvin: Well........ Yeah hehe

Brittany: So the real dare is to Kiss me for one day?

Me: Well yeah the second of my dare is True

Brittany: Oh Okay

Me: Until next dare guys! See ya! keep question and dare us okay!

Ask and Dare Alvin and The Chipmunks and Chipettes (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now