Prologue: Fractured Memory

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The Realm of Light and the Realm Between were peaceful ever since Xehanort's plans for Kingdom Hearts had been stopped. Sure, there were still threats out there. Like Maleficent and Pete. But they hadn't been seen in a while. Still probably searching for whatever it was they were searching for out in the many worlds. One of those worlds, Twilight Town was incredibly peaceful at this time. Not a single Nobody had appeared in the world since the day Xehanort was stopped, and the only Heartless that had appeared were single Shadows in the old tunnels beneath the city. Easy to deal with for people like Roxas and Xion who regularly went through the tunnels to ensure the safety of the world's inhabitants.

Currently, Xion was walking through the tunnels herself. The black-haired, blue-eyed girl's eyes searching every nook and cranny of the tunnels beneath the town. She was perhaps being a bit over-cautious, but she didn't think so. Shadows though easy could be tricky. The ability to blend into any shadow and catch an opponent unaware was a common tactic for the small Heartless.

"Nothing in Section 8," said Xion, out loud to herself, "Maybe the Heartless are seeing the futility of coming to Twilight Town with three keyblade wielders here." Pausing her steps, Xion would look up at the ceiling of the tunnel and think back on some things.
"I never thought I'd get a life like this," said Xion, "Being my own person. Not a copy of someone else. It's nice. I'm glad I get to do this... If only... If only it didn't cost Sora everything..."

Sora. A male keyblade wielder with brunette hair and blue eyes very much like Xion's own. The person her best friend Roxas split from, and who she was meant to be a replica of. Don't ask her for the specifics. That was a long-complicated story. Sora was the reason she could be here now. Hanging out in one the most beautiful worlds in her eyes with her best friends.

"I wish I knew how we could save him," whispered Xion, as tears appeared in the corner of her eyes at the thought of the boy being gone, "But... I know Riku and Kairi will find and save him. I believe in my heart that they will."
Kairi... Another keyblade wielder but also a Princess of Heart. Someone who had a heart of pure light unlike most normal people whose heart was a mix of light and darkness. Xion had her to thank partially for her appearance. If it hadn't been for Sora's strong feelings and friendship with the girl, Xion probably wouldn't look the way she did now.

Then there was Riku. The silver haired, blue eyed cool boy. Or he was cool in her book at least. He was the first person to see her as an actual person and not just a copy. Something she would always be grateful for. He was also a keyblade wielder and was Sora's best friend since childhood. Xion knew he would find Sora.

"Riku," whispered Xion, blushing slightly as she thought of the boy. It wasn't that she liked liked him or anything. Like she said he was just the first person to see her as an actual person. And ask what she wanted now that she thought about it more. But that was it. Nothing more was going on there! She meant that!

Deciding to continue her look around slash patrol, Xion would continue her walk through the old tunnels. In all honesty, she wondered why Twilight Town even had these tunnels. Sure, the train services were a more recent thing, but you could still get to all of Twilight Town above ground. So why build these tunnels. Maybe she should go look that up one day.

She was almost to the exit to the tunnels when something strange happened. She heard a voice that caused her to stop in her tracks once again. "The worlds are beginning to fail," the voice said, "Light and Darkness are fading and soon Nothing will remain. The World's hearts require sustenance. They require Light. But the Light has been cut off for too long."

The voice seemed to come from not only Xion's own head, but from the world around her. And she suspected if anyone else was around her, they still wouldn't have heard the voice. "Who's there," shouted Xion, as she took a battle stance, "Show yourself!"

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