Chp. 3

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Up in the make-up room, Emily was being attended too by the make-up artist, Taylor. She sat on the stool chair, looking at the mirror as Taylor began her work.

She started with the skin colour of her foundation on her face, a concealer under her eyes, she drew her eyebrows for her in a light way that made it looked like her normal brows. She painted her lips with a nude colour. Added a little touch of highlighter on her forehead, the edged of her nose, under her chin, and her cheeks.

Then, she finished it up with a touch of powder.

"You're all good to start." Taylor said to her and left.

Emily used the few minutes before she'd be called for her next part to act, too look at herself in the mirror and stop the anxiety she was feeling. Not the anxiety of fear, but the anxiety that Tod was going to kiss her.

Charlotte knocked on the door before walking in.

"You ready?" She asked, as she stood behind Emily. Looking at her through the mirror.


"Let me help with your hair." She pulled out the black elastic band from her hair and it fell loose around her shoulder. She plucked the stretcher too the socket and use it to straighten her hair.

"All set." Charlotte said, admiring her handwork. As she pat her hair.

"Thanks." Emily mumbled before the door opened.

"Emily, you're up next." Taylor said to her and left.

Emily got up and left the room.

In the restaurant, Emily stood there waiting for Dr. James go ahead.

"Are you ready Emily?" James asked.

"Yes Dr. James." She nodded.

"Good. We'll start in five, four, three, two, one, and action."

"Georgia, can you help Gary too deliver this too one of our customers. Gary can't make it too do the delivery, he just gave a report few minutes back that he won't be able too make it here. Please." Eva said too her.

"Uhm… sure. Who am I delivering it too?" She asked and Eva gave her the address.

"You can use the bike in the garage. Nobody has used it before."

"Alright." She said and started making her way out.

"And make the delivery quick." She said behind Emily(Georgia )who waved her hand in the air.

Emily(Georgia )walked into the garage, and just like Eva had told her, the bike hasn't been used for long. But the good part is that, it doesn't look dirty or rusty.

She set the meal into the big box attached to the bike and sat Infront. She inserted the key inside the lock and twisted it, the bike roared too life and she drove out of the garage. The warm night breeze caressing her skin.

She checked the time on her phone as she parked the bike inside the compound of the big building. She was still on time. She turned of the engine and stepped out of the bike with the person's delivery, before rushing Into the building.

She met with the receptionist at the entrance side who was on the phone call, too ask for directions. The lady dropped the telephone too its place before asking:

"How many I help you miss?" She asked politely.

"I was asked to deliver this order in room 10A."

"That's on the third floor."

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