Card 15: Noa's Date! Orchic attaks

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Noa sat quietly beside Sera, feeling a mix of sadness and guilt. Her amnesia had taken away their budding relationship, leaving him uncertain of how to proceed. He glanced at Takehur, who stood nearby, offering his perspective.

"Sera, do you remember anything at all?" Noa asked gently, despite already knowing the answer.

Sera shook her head, her expression troubled. "I'm sorry... I don't remember anything about you or us."

Takehur interjected softly, "Maybe it's better this way, Noa. Trying to force memories back could do more harm than good."

Noa sighed, feeling torn. He remembered the moments they had shared—their study sessions, their dates, the laughter they had exchanged. Now, it seemed like those memories belonged to a different world.

"But X Rex," Noa murmured, his thoughts drifting to the powerful Chemy. "It has the ability to restore memories. Maybe it could help Sera remember."

"Tohru, listen," Takehur cautioned, his voice earnest. "Using X Rex like that... it's risky. It might bring back memories of the worst moments too."

Noa nodded reluctantly, understanding Takehur's concern. He glanced at Sera, seeing her lost expression, and knew that forcing memories could potentially cause more harm than healing.

"You're right," Noa admitted quietly. "I don't want to risk causing her more pain."

Takehur nodded in agreement, offering his support. "Amber mentioned going to a movie once she's done with her Alchemy lessons. Maybe that could be a way to reconnect with her, without pushing too hard."

"Yeah," Noa replied, grateful for Takehur's perspective. "I'll try to take things slowly, give Sera the space she needs to heal."

As they sat together in silence, Noa couldn't shake off the feeling of responsibility. He wondered if there was more he could do to help Sera, to bring back the memories they had shared. But for now, all he could do was be patient and supportive, hoping that time would eventually bring Sera back to him.


~ Time Skip: At the Theater~

Amber stood in a red dress with a white purse. Her hair was tied up to reflect her changes in the recent weeks. Noa looks at her.

“You look changed? Did you ditch the hoodie and stuff for fancy?” His silver hair was kept sharp.

“No, I just felt like getting fancy a bit.” Amber had her Gotchadriver driver in her purse.

“Hopper1 or Steamliner with you?” Noa had left his driver with Greyon.

“Yeah in case the Hundred or Malgam attacks.” She responded.

“Hopper?” The grasshopper Chemy appeared on Amber's shoulder.

“Hey little buddy.” Noa tried to pet the Grasshopper.

“Hopper!” It gave Noa a death stare.

“You don't trust me. Fair.” He watched as the level one insect chemy returned to its card.

“Sorry but he's been more protective of me since I was a Hopper Malgam.” Amber adjusted her hair a bit.

They waited in line for the ticket counter.  “What move do you want to see?” Noa taking out his wallet.

“Hm, a Zombie movie would be good.”

“I didn't take you for a fan of horror.” Noa looked at his date. “Your last name is Yamia?”

“Yes.” Amber looked at him a little offended. “I'm surprised that it took you this long to learn my last name.”

“Sorry I've been busy trying to… Get You to evolve your powers.” Noa scratching his head. “Listen Amber…I know I've done…frankly a lot of terrible things as Tohru and as myself now but you have to know I will do anything I can to protect the one I love and that person…is you.”

~The City~

The storm clouds darkened the sky, swirling ominously above the city. People in the streets were turning to stone, their screams silenced by the petrifying force of the Malgam's power.

Amber and Noa burst out of the theater, their eyes widening at the sight of the giant storm cloud and the colossal snake head emerging from it. The monster roared, sending tremors through the air.

“Noa, we have to do something!” Amber shouted, her voice filled with determination. She pulled out her Gotchadriver and the Chemy Cards, quickly slotting them in. “Hopper1! Steamliner! Gotcha and Go! Steamhopper!”

Her suit transformed into Steamhopper, the combined power of Hopper1 and Steamliner giving her enhanced agility and strength. She charged towards the Orochi No Yamato, her eyes blazing with fierce resolve.

“Amber, wait!” Noa tried to call out, but before he could react, a burst of petrifying energy struck him. He was frozen in place, his form solidifying into stone.

“Noa!” Amber's heart sank as she saw him turn to stone. She struggled to maintain focus as the giant snake Malgam loomed closer, its eyes glowing with malevolent intent.

Suddenly, a new figure appeared in a flash of light. Clad in a futuristic, sleek suit with elements of Gotchard’s design, the new Kamen Rider landed gracefully in front of Amber.

"Who... who are you?" Amber demanded, her voice shaky as she stared at the mysterious Rider.

"I am Kamen Rider Gotchard Daybreak," the figure said with a calm, commanding presence. His eyes, reflecting a blend of determination and sorrow, met Amber’s. “You have two choices: Become the strongest Gotchard and take on this threat yourself, or let me handle it.”

Amber’s eyes widened in shock. “But how? Noa—”

“Save him later. Right now, you need to decide if you will embrace the full power of Gotchard or allow me to take this burden off your shoulders.” Kamen Rider Gotchard Daybreak explained, holding up his driver and a small, compact engine device. “This is the Gotchard Igniter.”

He attached the Gotchard Igniter to his driver, which sparked with a brilliant, intense light. His suit glowed with power as he prepared for battle.

With a burst of speed, Gotchard Daybreak launched himself at Orochi No Yamato. He spun through the air, delivering a powerful Rider Kick. “Steamhopper Burning Fever!”

The attack struck the Malgam with explosive force, causing it to roar in pain and stagger back. The overwhelming power of Daybreak’s kick was enough to shatter the Malgam’s defenses.

In the aftermath of the attack, Amber watched in awe as Gotchard Daybreak executed a final maneuver. With a brilliant burst of energy, he captured the defeated Orochi No Yamato in a Ride Chemy Card, sealing it away.

Amber approached the petrified Noa, her eyes filled with a mix of sadness and relief. “Thank you, Daybreak.”

Kamen Rider Gotchard Daybreak nodded solemnly. “I’ll handle this. You focus on saving Noa.”

As Daybreak departed, Amber began to work on reversing the petrification, her heart heavy but resolute. The future was uncertain, but for now, her priority was to save the world and the Chemies

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