Chapter 4: So That's How this Works.

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"Well, Hester," Dr. Colbar began. "You and your friend were chosen by fate itself," He paused, flicking his wrist upwards as he hummed. "It's quite frankly your typical fairy tale." Hester sighed, looking around before sitting down with her back pressed against the wall, a comically empty wall.

"Hey, Doc?" Hester let out a brief mumble, tilting her head as she gazed towards the wall opposite of her. "Yes, Hester? Looking for someplace else to scamper off to?" Dr. Colbar quipped, a gentle tease behind his words. "You think your office has room for me?" Hester hummed, blinking slowly before turning her head, looking at Dr. Colbar.

He hesitated, sighing out of annoyance and defeat before nodding. "I suppose, Hester. After all, I can't have you out in the slumps with Claudia Blackwood lurking around."

Hester silently cheered, triumphantly pumping her fists in the air. "Great. But, I'm curious, why are you so worried about Claudia?" She hummed, grinning slightly. "I'm not worried about her, per se. It's just that this is how stories are supposed to go." Dr. Colbar explained, lifting his fingers slowly before lightly tapping the tips of his digits onto a golden pendant on his desk.

"Riight, gotcha, Doc." Hester nodded, eyeing the lanky male who sat a few feet away from where she was sitting on the floorboards, prompting him to elaborate his equivocal response. "You told me you'd explain what I'm here for, but, as of right now, I feel..." Hester trailed off, feigning ponder as she lifted a finger and tapped it against her chin. "1% more aware why I'm here." Hester concluded, clasping her hands together to get her point across more clearly.

"Yes, Hester, I'm quite aware of how incompetent you can be." Dr. Colbar sighed, a mocking edge to his tone of voice. Hester was to speak again, only to be cut off by Dr. Colbar as he began to speak yet again. "Although, I suppose it would be fair to tell you," He sighed, mixed with a slight grunt as he leaned back into his office chair to get comfortable.

"Hester, are you aware of where we are? Where the Colbar Mall is located?" Dr. Colbar began, watching as Hester twirled her hair subconsciously. "Somewhere around New York, perhaps? But that wouldn't explain your subtle British accent." Hester pondered, tapping her chin with her other hand, her digits gently and rhythmically drumming against her tan skin.

"New York? And where on Earth would that be located?" Dr. Colbar inquired, tilting his head slightly with a slight grin. "What? Didn't you take me from California? How in the world do you not know where New York is?" Hester scoffed in disbelief, her mouth agape.

Dr. Colbar stared at her, raising a brow slightly. "Right, and I thought listening to the Fabeltem's reasoning was the fakest thing I could possibly hear." He muttered disbelievingly.

Hester lifted her hand, her palm crashing against the floor as she snapped. "If we aren't somewhere like New York or California, where are we?" Hester crossed her arms, fuming. Dr. Colbar sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he huffed quietly. "We are in what is known as the Ilata Vir." Dr. Colbar explained, as if it was the most basic piece of knowledge.

"Sorry, what?" Hester snickered, tilting her head. "That's preposterous. Where is the Ilata Vir?" She smirked poking fun at the name, not believing Dr. Colbar for even a minute.

"The Ilata Vir is a vast land created deep in the depths of our minds. Due to its presence in our limbic system, it is easily bent and manipulated by the Herode's, or in this case, your emotions. Unstable emotions may cause minor to severe quakes, and if not careful, could be the reason for the entire Ilata Vir to collapse and crumble." Dr. Colbar explained, making small hand gestures. As he spoke of the Ilata Vir's destruction, he gently clenched the golden pendant in his hand.

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