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Sonic, Tails, and Eggman was busy in Tails workshop setting up a camera and microphone. Shadow chaos controlled into the room.

"So why sis you call me here faker, and why is he here?" Shadow says pointing into Eggmans direction. "I-" their was a knock on the door

"Oh that must be everyone else" Tails said cheerfully. Opening the door to let everyone else in.

He waved as Knuckles, Amy, Silver, Cream, Cheese, Vector, Charmy, Espio, Rouge, Blaze, and Omega walked in.

"Well that looks like everyone" Sonic said eyes scanning across the room. "Why did you call us all here and is that Eggman!" Knuckles exclaims. Making everyone go into a fighting stance.

"Yeah didn't I say that in the invite I sent you all? "No you didn't nor did you explain why we are all huddled up in here" Shadow says. "Their is not a lot of room for me. Should I make some more room?" Omega says his guns warming up. "Omega no!" Rouge and Shadow says at the same time. "Simulating bitterness" "I still want an explanation Blaze said hand on her hip" Sonic and Tails sighed.

"Okay" Sonic says. "We are just going to hang out and react to some randome things we find on Pinterest." "But why" Shadow says. The next Twitter takeover isn't for a few months." "Well for one thing." Tails says "you wasn't at the last one and two we can't just hangout?" "Percicely" Eggman cuts in "you can make up for missing the lastonw Shadow and before you guys jump to conclusions we are on the same truce as with the takeovers"

"Exxactly so let's get started!" Sonic says

Sonic and friends react to random sonic related Pinterest pinsWhere stories live. Discover now