suck my ass september

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grade 9 is gonna suck ass. 

title checks out. i was joking but who knew it would listen to me so soon. in that case why don't you listen to me the fuck again and stop bitch.

it's september 6th rn 11:49pm, the first week is over. technically not a week bcz it was only 3 days and i'm so not fucking ready for the full week

i already got mathsheet homework to do and there was some annoying assessment i couldn't finish on time but i handed it in anyway lmao i'm gonna get like a level 1

how am i gonna deal with waking up at the crackass of dawn everyday. i srsly can't be late this year bcz then my dad is probably gonna cut me out of the will. my brother is still in school with me this year so he's gonna be on my ass every single day i actually can't take it

speaking of my dad he literally started screaming and banged on my door the first day in the morning all bcz he thought i was gonna be late again like bitch i was all done my makeup and getting ready and then he just had to bring me to tears so i looked like a piece of shit the first day

i just gotta get thru this year and then my brother will be off to university or whatever and then my family's moving and i'm gonna bitch and moan to my mom about wanting to move schools

so yeah fuck ht i'm leaving their ass next year

ok so here's the gag i actually don't mind my first period and second period so far and that's actually weird and surprising because it's math and music the 2 subjects i don't like but it's bcz karen is in my math class and my music teacher is ac so bbg

i actually hate math and music with a passion but that made it tolerable

my period 3 is break but then after break i have my 2 worst classes it's like the universe is giving me a break and then saying sike bitch you thought 

and this is also funny bcz i wasn't worrying abt english. and actually it's not the bcz of the subject english itself it's bcz of the kids in my english class.

bye there are like kids from pc i don't like there and this is like such a weird and embarrassing thing to explain like i'm pretty sure this is a whole ass original experience i have over here but i have to explain it or else u won't get it basically to put in shortly my english name is esther which my piece of shit father picked for me like out of all the cute white girl names he just had to choose fucking esther did he feel different and quirky after naming me that and since my parents are christian i'm named after the esther girl from the holy bible like honey wtf i read the esther verse and she's so soft like ur literally queen stop caring abt ur ppl. it's funny cuz i don't even like jewish ppl but anyway i've been going by that name until 5th grade but one day in grade 5 my teacher read us this book about some korean hoe who had a korean name but how nobody in her dumb school could pronounce it like stupid shits and how she wanted an american white name it was like basically just spreading awareness abt that topic or whatever and then the fucking teacher was like "is there anyone who's korean here" and i wasn't gonna say shit bcz i wasn't abt to have all the attention diverted to me and i wasn't gonna have to tell her my flippity flopping korean name for her to pull the "do u want us to call u that???" bullshit so i'm just like yeah no lol BUT THEN SARAH SAID "esther's korean!!" so yeah uh ever since that happened she made the office change my school acc name to yunseul and in 6th grade there were obviously like new students and they dont know abt how i went by esther and since on my like passport or something it says esther they put my name as that for the ht school acc and the kids from my fucking 6th grade class are in my english and it's so painful to have to go through attendance and saying here when the teacher calls out esther like on the first day i literally heard one girl (ik her name but i'm not saying let's jst call her rat) whispering "i thought her name was yunseul" like BITCH STFU WHY DO U CARE FUCK OFF MY ASS

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