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*A few days had passed since the party, and Heather had been doing her best to ignore the thoughts of Slash that kept creeping into her mind. She hadn't seen or heard from him since that night, and she was determined to put him out of her mind and focus on her band and her career.*

*Slash grins when he hears her voice, a bit playful.*

"Hey there, princess. How have you been?"

*Heather rolls her eyes at the nickname, but can't help the small smile that appears on her face.*

"Oh, you know. Just been avoiding reality as usual. What about you, Casanova? Found any other willing groupies to keep you busy?"

*Slash chuckles, the smirk evident in his voice.*

"Oh darling, you know none of those groupies can hold a candle to you. They're just a distraction, sweetheart."

*Heather can feel her cheeks heat up at his words, her heart fluttering despite her best efforts to remain cool and aloof.*

"Yeah, right. Don't bullshit me, man. I know you're not the type to settle down, especially not for just one girl."

*Slash takes a long drag from his cigarette, slowly exhaling the smoke. He grins, a hint of amusement on his face.*

"Who said anything about settling down? I just said you were the only one worth noticing for me. Doesn't mean I'm planning on chaining myself to one bed forever."

*Heather laughs, rolling her eyes at his response even as her heart skips a beat at his words.*

"Ah, so I'm just a temporary distraction until something more interesting comes along, huh? How flattering."

*Slash snorts, taking another drag from his cigarette.*

"Oh trust me darling, not even the most beautiful girl in the world can hold my attention for too long. But you seem to have this... magnetic draw that's very hard to resist."

*He grins, his eyes lighting up.*

*Heather raises an eyebrow, trying to hide the effect his words are having on her.*

"Ah, flattery. The way to a girl's heart." *She says dryly, but can't help the hint of a smile that curves her lips.*

*Heather feels her cheeks heat up even more, blushing furiously at his comment. She tries to hide it by rolling her eyes playfully. *

"Oh please. I'm not blushing. You're just being cocky."

*Slash lets out a low chuckle, his eyes sparkling with mischief.*

"Oh yes you are. Your face is just as red as a firetruck. You're just as easy to read as the palm of my hand, sweetheart."

*Heather lets out a frustrated huff, her face still red.*

"Shut up, I'm just pale, okay? My skin is sensitive and easily blushes. It has nothing to do with you, I swear."

*Slash laughs out loud this time, enjoying her flustered state.*

"Oh yeah? You sure it's not my presence making you blush? My charming personality? My handsome face?"

*Heather rolls her eyes again, despite the grin twitching at the corners of her lips. She can't deny that he's got her flustered, but she's not about to give him the satisfaction of admitting it.*

"Don't flatter yourself, jerk. I bet you think all girls react that way when you're around."

*Slash grins, giving you a playful nudge with his shoulder.*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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