Chuuya's catlike submissive partner (Not canon)

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(This oneshot might get a bit suggestive, but there is no actual... actions, If you get what I mean. If not, keep your innocence... Chuuya may or may not also be slightly possessive of Dazai)

Chuuya's POV: My ex-partner always calls me his dog, and how much I act like one, that's something I think you all know about. But did you know how much he acts like a cat?

 And when I say this, we have a cat to compare him to. The way he stretches himself whenever his muscles are sore, the way he acts so indifferent all the time even if it's so painfully obvious he isn't. The way he clings to me so desperately when I'm ignoring him, or when we are about to eat. A real cat, I tell you.

There is also the way he... so easily subdues and sticks to me like glue when I just give him an ounce of affection. It's painfully... adorable, how easily he gives in. Every time he resists my touch, even if just a little, he still gives in to it. Just like a cat, rough exterior with a soft interior.

I know he is not exactly... soft, so to speak, but his reactions are just so captivating. The way he smiles so contently, so desperately, the way he slowly but surely falls into submission and more than obvious love for the sensations... I love it. I love him, and so much. If I could, I would keep him with me, here, where no one will be able to hurt him... not even myself. Too bad I can't, because I know he would whine about it all the time. That, and I don't have the heart to intentionally hurt those I love, and he falls in this category.

I am currently sitting on my couch parallel to the back, hugging my partner while he is sitting on my lap, reading the same book he's been reading ever since we were fifteen. His left arm is circling around my head to hold his book, as he flips through the pages with his right hand. I can't help but stare at his face, his eyes as they switch from word to word, he is just beautiful. Docile as well. He has to have felt my gaze burning into him, because he finally turned his head towards me, and raised a brow questioningly. He parted his lips to ask me something, but I don't hear him because all I want now is to touch... to kiss him so much he won't be able to speak, so much so that I don't notice I extended a hand until I see a finger -my index- resting on those very same lips, shutting him up as he looks at me in surprise.

I can feel myself smile as I ask "Can I? Your lips look so... pretty." I see him think for a second before nodding slightly, which makes me smile wider. Before he can say anything else, I place my hands on both sides of his face to hold it up, and kiss him. A passionate kiss that would leave someone breathless afterwards. I must have been drooling a bit beforehand because he wiped something from my chin.

I smile in the kiss before deepening it, revealing in the way Dazai closes his eyes and groans. After twenty seconds that feel like two, I back up to allow him to breathe, only for Osamu to pull lightly on my shoulders five seconds afterwards. A silent question for more, to which I gladly oblige by cutting the distance between us and, this time, diving my tongue in his mouth. 

I can't help my own groan as I listen to his soft whines and moans and open my eyes to see something I normally see after a bit more then just overly-passionate kisses: a lone bead of sweat rolling on his temple and his eyes closed in love, though they snapped open when my tongue rubbed on his, whining as his eyes nearly roll back from the contact. I slowly dragged my index fingers along the shell of his ears, watching as he freezes from the touch, and do so more and more until I finally see what I want: half-lidded eyes focusing on nothing, then falling shut after a moment.

I break the kiss to allow him to breathe, only for him to shiver and whine when my thumbs rub against his ears, and watch him shake his head to try and move my hands away. This reaction alone makes me feel so much more... greedy for Dazai's reactions, because he gets so much more beautiful, fighting back the loss of his mind to the pleasant sensations.

This went on for two minutes until I saw that familiar face that I love so much: My Osamu, completely drowned in the feeling of my fingers playing around his ears. I ever so slightly moved my hands downwards, dragging my fingers on his earlobes in the process, then settled them on the sides of his neck. He smiled without missing a beat, which made me smile in return. And at that moment, just like any other time like this, I found myself almost hoping to hear him purr, for some reason. I repositioned myself to be sitting down instead of on my knees as I was getting uncomfortable, and I took my hands off of Dazai's neck to do so.

His reaction? He followed my hands blindly and ended up straddling my legs when I put my hands back on his neck. I don't think he noticed, and I don't mind, but I did take ONE of my hands off his neck again to scratch him under the chin. The moment he felt the first drag of the pad of my fingers, his smile widened and he lifted his head upwards in bliss, exposing more of his jaw to me.

I chuckled as I scratched the underside of his chin while moving my other hand from his neck back to behind his ear, and watched as his whole body straightened up under the affection. The back of his ears, just like a cat, is his favorite place for me to interact with by far. I stared at his neck for a moment, then got close to it, hearing the subtle hitch of his breath as I ghosted my lips on his skin.

I moved my hand from under his chin to the back of his head, to the nape of his neck, and started scratching him again. At the same time I did, I kissed his throat, and my mind almost went blank as I heard -and felt- a shamelessly loud moan escape my partner's mouth, followed by a few more as I moved to kiss and suck at different spots around his neck.

I finally moved away to look at his face, though put a hand on his chest as he slumped forward with one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen on him. He looked ruined, despite me not doing anything other than pet him like a cat and kiss him. (And maybe leave a bunch of bite marks on his neck after having received his... feedback on my affection). 

Anyway, by ruined, I mean his hair was damp with sweat, same as his face. Shiny drool fell from both corners of his lips on his chin, and his eyes... They were glossy, half-lidded and clouded by bliss, which was only now starting to clear out.

 Though my eyes fell back on the bites on his neck and throat... my bite marks. I let him wrap his arms around me as I placed one of my hands on the back of his head to massage his scalp when a wave of pride and possessiveness washed over me as I stared at the hickeys, realizing yet again that...

He IS my husband, and shows me that he KNOWS he is. In more ways than one. He wouldn't have let anyone else see him loose control of himself like he did... He doesn't let anyone see his raw emotions but me... Like he always did...

Like he always does, with me. With no one else, but ME.

 I love that realization~

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