The Process

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The Process of healing and letting go is hard, never easy. But it is necessary, in order to not bleed on those who have not cut you. My biggest downfall was rushing the process or neglecting it all together. Despite how much you try to bury it, over time it will eventually come to the surface. There is no specific time frame, it could be years before you are truly free of the hurt and heartache. And then it still may come to the light again. Taking the necessary time to heal makes you better equipped to handle it when it comes up. Buried and undealt with emotions are like ticking time bombs waiting to explode. And when they explode they hurt you and so many others, mainly people that we deeply love and care for. The rebound relationship is not only unfair to you but it's unfair to your new mate. Being a team you have to put into consideration the other parties feelings. It's not all about you. There is no I in team, but there is me and mate. So take the necessary time to heal and let go of the past anger and hurt. It'll make such a difference in your future relationships.

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