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"If you two weren't so bloody cute together I'd kill you for creating extra work for me!" Chelsea says with a laugh as I walk back into the Aston Martin area

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"If you two weren't so bloody cute together I'd kill you for creating extra work for me!" Chelsea says with a laugh as I walk back into the Aston Martin area. I know she's not angry but the fact people are so bothered about a kiss blows my mind. "It has literally been minutes and it's all over the paddock however I'm yet to see anything online so maybe you got lucky and paps didn't get photos. I'll talk to Lando's PR manager as well, saves you having to have the conversation"

"Chels I'll be honest, I'm not bothered who knows. Me and my mum had a conversation about Lando a few weeks ago and I spoke to my dad the other day, they're both absolutely fine about everything. My only real concern is Lando's family. I don't want them to think I'm using him"

"Lucía I've met them before, his parents aren't like that at all. They have his best interests at heart but they're the nicest people ever and they're so supportive. I don't think you have anything to worry about but talk to him about it if you're worried" I know what Chelsea is saying however I can't help but have my doubts. Maybe it's because I know the world Lando comes from, a famous Formula One driver who's earning millions and so many girls would look past the amazing human that he is for access to the fame and his money. Picking at the buffet I grab myself some food when I hear Stroll talking to one of his friends.

"Apparently she opens her legs for anyone in the paddock. It must pay more to be the paddock bike than it does to be a drivers daughter" hearing Stroll talk about me I completely flip. Slamming my hands on the table in front of him I get as close to his face as I can physically stand to be.

"Talk about me like that again and the broken wrists you had at the start of the season will be making an appearance again. At least I can say I worked my arse off for my career and I didn't need to rely on daddy's money to get a job" feeling Chelsea pull me away I look at Stroll in disgust. "You're vile. Don't ever speak about me again you have no right"

"Defensive for someone who's a whore or should I say Lando's whore. Give him a few races and he'll move on, you'll be old news"

"I'd rather be his whore than go anywhere near you"

"Call my daughter a whore again and see what happens. No one, let alone you talk about my daughter like that" it all happens so quickly but my dad charges at Stroll there's no stopping him. He's like a bull who's seen red "go on tell me to my face what you've just called her"

"Papá leave it he's not worth it" I say trying to pull my dad off Stroll who's now pinned against a wall by the scruff of his neck "come on he's not worth a fine"

"No but you're worth a fine" my dad says as he lets Stroll go. "Keep my daughters name out of your mouth you silly little boy"

"Papá you didn't have to do that" I say walking away with my dad.

"You're my daughter Lucía, I'll defend you until I'm blue in the face. Are you going out with Lando tonight? I know a few drivers are planning on going out" I kind of expected my dad to ask about Lando but actually talking about it feels so foreign to me. I genuinely thought I'd have to keep everything a secret from my dad.

"I'm not sure what my plans are tonight to be honest. Are you and the boys out?"

"We'll be out with the drivers. How did your mum take the Lando news?" My dad asks probably expecting a colourful response from my mum.

"She was absolutely fine. It was kind of like she expected it. She wasn't surprised just because I'm around this kind of thing a lot" maybe it's because she's been in my position before but I didn't get half the warning about drivers that I thought I'd get but then again my mum and dad have always had an amazing relationship.

"Just wait until the day Lando has to meet her, I'll bring popcorn. I'll see you later tonight I'm going to head back to the boys in the bar" the thought of Lando meeting my mum seems wild right now and I honestly dread the day it happens.

Laying by the pool back at the villa I decide a nap would be a good idea purely because I know I'm probably going to end up out celebrating with Lando. No plans are set in stone but I know Callum and Ryan are definitely wanting to go out. Feeling my phone vibrate I don't try and hide the smile when I see Lando's name.

Luuu will you send me your number so I can phone you plllzzz 🙏🏽🙏🏽

But I don't give my number to strange men on the internet

I'll make it worth your while Esmeralda

Call me that again and you'll get blocked 🖕🏽

I'm sorrry
I'm not. But I am if it means I get your number
Send me your number pleaseeee
Or I'll ask your dad for it

Anyone would think you're desperate for me Lando 😜

Sending Lando my number I let out a laugh when seconds later a number I don't have saved in my contacts pops up on my screen. I've never known a man so eager.

"Some might say you're obsessed with me Norris" I say biting my lip as I answer the phone.

"I think I might be. I can't get enough of you"

"I mean I don't blame you" I say with a laugh not even able to take myself seriously.

"You really are something else. I heard you went completely in on Stroll after the race" I knew what happened would get back to Lando but I'm honestly not bothered. Regardless of who Stroll is, I would act the same way with anyone else.

"I did but he was being an absolute cunt he deserved it. You know what's funny, he called me your whore at one point" I can't hold back my laugh any longer "and what he doesn't realise is I am an absolute whore for you. I like sex, sue me" I say with a shrug.

"Lucía I have no words for you. I'm pleased you appreciate good sex though" Lando says with a giggle "do I get to see you tonight?"

"I suppose I can find some time for the Miami race winner. I'll see you there tonight" ending the conversation with Lando I hang up before getting myself dressed for the night.

Arriving in the club I barely see Lando all night but, I understand he's celebrating with his team and I won't ever take that from him, he knows I'm here and he can find me if he wants me.

I notice from across the club how drunk Lando is as he makes his way towards me. For once I've kept away from alcohol wanting to take in every second of Lando's win.

"Can we get out of here? I just want to celebrate with my girl" Lando asks slurring his words but regardless my heart swells at being called his girl. We aren't official by any stretch of the imagination but I like the sound of it "you don't look drunk or am I too drunk to notice?"

"I'm not drunk Lando I haven't been drinking. I'm happy to get out of here though" I'm surprised when Lando hands me a ticket for the valet, I assumed he would have been brought here with the team but as I hand in the ticket I'm given the keys to a McLaren "you want me to drive your car?"

"It's not mine but it's a company car. I'll let you drive though. It'll get me even more hard for you than when I saw you park the Aston Martin"

"You're a dick" I say laughing as I pass Lando my heels. No matter what I can't drive in heels, I'd much rather drive barefoot.

"My dick is ready for you to ride it" looking over at Lando I bite my lip, I can't look towards his crotch or I know I'm done for. This man knows exactly what I want to hear and when I want to hear it. I'm driving back to our hired villa but I can't to be back knowing everyone is out and we have the place to ourselves.

I'm sorry for the Stroll hate in this story. Someone had to be a bad guy and it just works for this story that it's him 🫣

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