Chapter 6: Office Gossip

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By Tuesday morning, word had already spread through the office like wildfire. The unexpected production delay and the subsequent late-night meeting between Mia and Jason had not gone unnoticed by their colleagues. The once steady hum of office chatter had taken on a new tone—one of speculation, curiosity, and, inevitably, gossip.

Mia had barely set foot in the office when she noticed the subtle change. Conversations halted abruptly as she passed by, and more than a few curious glances were cast in her direction. She could feel the weight of their scrutiny, though no one dared to confront her directly. It wasn't the first time she'd been the subject of office gossip, but this felt different. This felt personal.

As she reached her desk, Emily was already waiting for her, perched on the edge of her chair with an expectant look on her face. "Well?" Emily asked, barely able to contain her excitement. "What's the story, Mia?"

Mia sighed, dropping her bag onto her desk and sitting down with a thud. "There's no story, Em," she said, trying to brush it off. "Just a typical Monday with an unexpected crisis and a lot of work to do."

Emily raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "Come on, Mia. You and Jason locked in his office for hours, burning the midnight oil to save the project? That's not exactly what I'd call typical."

Mia rolled her eyes, though she couldn't help the small smile that tugged at her lips. "It's not as exciting as it sounds. We had a problem, and we had to fix it. End of story."

Emily leaned in, lowering her voice conspiratorially. "I heard he actually listened to your ideas and worked with you on the revisions. That's not exactly typical for Jason Whitmore either."

Mia's smile faded slightly, replaced by a more thoughtful expression. "Yeah, he did. It was... different. I mean, it was still intense, but he was actually collaborative. It felt like we were on the same team for once."

Emily studied her for a moment, then grinned. "See? That's exactly what I'm talking about. Something's shifted between you two, hasn't it?"

Mia shrugged, not entirely sure how to respond. "Maybe. I don't know. We still have a lot of work to do, and he's still the same demanding boss, but... I guess I'm starting to understand him a little better."

Emily's grin widened. "Understanding, huh? That's a dangerous word, Mia."

Mia laughed, shaking her head. "Don't start, Em. There's nothing to read into. We're just trying to get this project done."

"Sure, sure," Emily said, holding up her hands in mock surrender. "But don't be surprised if the office starts buzzing with rumours. You know how people love a good story, especially one that involves the new CEO and the company's star marketing exec."

Mia groaned, sinking back in her chair. "Great. Just what I need—more gossip. As if this project isn't stressful enough."

Emily chuckled, giving her a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry, it'll blow over. Just keep doing what you're doing, and people will move on to the next big thing soon enough."

Mia nodded, though she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach. She knew Emily was right—the gossip would die down eventually. But in the meantime, she had to keep her focus on the work, no matter what people were saying behind her back.

As the morning wore on, Mia did her best to ignore the whispers and sidelong glances, throwing herself into the revised project plan with renewed determination. She sent out the updated timelines and schedules, fielded questions from her team, and prepared for the upcoming meetings that would determine whether they could still hit their launch date.

But as much as she tried to focus on the work, she couldn't entirely shut out the thoughts swirling in her mind. The memory of her late-night meeting with Jason lingered, the unexpected camaraderie they'd shared still fresh in her thoughts. It had been a strange, almost surreal experience—seeing a different side of him, one that wasn't all business and sharp edges.

For a brief moment, she wondered what it would be like to work with him under different circumstances—without the pressure, the deadlines, the constant tension. But she quickly pushed the thought aside, reminding herself that this wasn't about personal feelings. This was about getting the job done, and nothing more.

Later that day, as Mia prepared for a department-wide meeting to discuss the revised plan, she felt a familiar prickling sensation at the back of her neck. Glancing up, she saw Jason standing in the doorway of the conference room, his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that made her heart skip a beat.

"Ready to go?" he asked, his voice steady and composed.

Mia nodded, gathering her notes. "Ready."

As they walked into the conference room together, Mia was acutely aware of the eyes on them. She could feel the curiosity, the speculation, even the envy from some of her colleagues. But she kept her head high, determined not to let the gossip affect her.

The meeting went smoothly, with Jason and Mia presenting the revised plan and fielding questions from the team. Jason was as professional as ever, his focus entirely on the task at hand, but there was a subtle undercurrent in their interactions—a mutual respect that hadn't been there before.

After the meeting, as the team began to disperse, Jason turned to Mia. "Good work today," he said, his tone softer than usual. "I know this hasn't been easy, but I appreciate your dedication."

Mia looked up at him, surprised by the sincerity in his voice. "Thank you," she replied, offering a small smile. "I appreciate your support. We make a good team."

Jason's expression softened ever so slightly, and for a moment, Mia thought she saw a flicker of something in his eyes—something almost like approval. "Yes," he said quietly. "I think we do."

They stood there for a brief moment, the room emptying around them, the tension between them different now—more complicated, more charged. Mia wasn't sure what to make of it, but she knew one thing: whatever was happening between them, it was no longer just about the work.

As Jason turned to leave, Mia felt a strange mix of emotions—gratitude, confusion, and something she wasn't ready to name just yet. But she pushed it aside, reminding herself of the task at hand.

She had a job to do, and that was all that mattered. But as she watched Jason walk away, she couldn't help but wonder what the office would be buzzing about tomorrow.

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