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Chapter 2! I worked on making this one longer, by kept it kinda short so no one will get confused, let me know if you do, because I hate being confused and I'd hate to do it to you guys! So vote, comment, but above all enjoy!

Once we had made it back to the University in Manhattan it took forever to unload Foxx's equipment from the van. I'd tell you what University it is, but by the time Irbis and Jax moved the Family here all the plaques and signs had had the name defaced from them. But it's beautiful and safe so I guess the name doesn't really matter. We returned everything to the lab I promised Foxx I'd be back in a couple of hours and headed to the basement, where Irbis had moved the infirmary several weeks ago. Irbis is our Kingdom Alpha. In the University we have a group of about 200 Changelings. Sounds more like a crowd, right? Anyway, we also have subgroups, each group has an Alpha or two that still answers directly to Irbis, but still mostly governs their group members themselves . For subgroups we have: a Flock (Birds), a Pride ( Lions, rawr?) a Pack,(Wolves, but there are also some dog-types mixed in), and a Pod ( which basically makes up the fishy individuals that currently inhabit the college's old Olympic sized swimming pool). The rest of everyone that doesn't belong to a subgroup belongs to Jax, Irbis's son, and by default, Irbis. Of course, in the end, everyone kneels to Irbis anyway.

As I walked through the corridors and Mess Hall of the University it was evident that news of Michael's death had circulated throughout the building. All around Changelings hung their heads, talked in low voices, or chose to sob instead.And as the news of Michael's death had spread so had the news of mine. It was only the third time I had died and most were still having a hard time believing that I was Phoenix type. I had only started exhibiting the signs in the last month, before I had only had heighten senses, strength , and speed to prove I wasn't a straight human. Most figured I would develop to a cat-type, until I started smoking at breakfast one morning. And I don't mean I lit up a tobacco stick, I mean that my skin got so hot I scorched my clothes.

Now as I rounded a corner to the stairs I was greeted by a mess of people, all talking excitedly. Someone ran hands through my hair, feeling the seams where new bone was still growing, someone pointed out my blood stained clothes, someone else noticed the cement dust stuck in it from where my fall had cracked the sidewalk. Everyone was my age and younger, maybe a few were twenty somethings. Changelings usually die young, Irbis being the oldest in the College at forty-three. Hey, it's hard out here for a pimp. "Amazing." Someone said. There were murmurs of agreement and I noticed the person who had had her hands in my hair was Foxx's sister, Aurora, a quite, hippogriff type she stood behind me smiling, blonde hair and white wings glowing under the florescent, generator powered lights. She smiled, "A real Phoenix type," she breathed. I was feeling claustrophobic like a mofo with all those people crammed into the hall. I excused myself, wading through small children, all of them telling me how cool I was.

There seemed to be mixed emotions about my coolness factor from Dr. Darvez, a sixty-something human with deep blue eye, an Irish accent. and a crystal clear picture of how everything was suppose to be. As she examined my head for gaps or overlapping in the skull she tutted to herself.

" I love ya to death, dearie, but yer just a bit too unnatural for my liking. 't ain't normal for a girlie to go back n' forth the way ya do."

Which meant she was worried about the effects Death Defying was having on my immortal soul. Death Defying is the term Foxx came up with for my "Ability". And Dr. Darvez was just a bit too old fashioned for it, if I was the most abnormal thing she'd seen lately. "Ya seem firmly fix." Dr. Darvez said, finally letting me off the operating table.

"Thanks," I said and then screamed and she popped neck a few times. A tetanus shot and some cartoony band-aids later I had made it out of the infirmary and was hauling ass up the stairs. I pushed open the door at the top and nailed someone with it. Hard enough to knock them against the wall and send me skidding down a few steps, I made it up first. "I'm so sorry-"I started, but Jax cut me off with a wave of his hand. "It's no problem, give me a hand up, though." I did, and when Jax finally stood up his whole six feet and two inches body he smirked at me and said, "My mother has sent for you."

Snakes coiled in my guts as I followed Jax through the building and to the old Dean's office. Not literal snakes, thank God, but sometimes figurative snakes are much worse. I got the feeling a lot of times that Irbis and Jax didn't really like me, and that Irbis only let me do things like recon and recovery because it's what my mother had been good at, before she died at it four years ago, when I was twelve. Irbis and my mother had been best friends, had known life outside of the F.E.A.R. era, I was barely a year old when it happened, F.E.A.R. was all I'd ever known. I figured that's why Irbis tried to make me happy at the University, for my mom, but I think she didn't like me because she felt like she had to make me happy.

I figured Jax didn't like me because his mommy didn't. He seemed like the mommy pleasing type. I was nervous following behind him, so I focused on the back of his black boots. They looked like they had seen a lot of action, dirty and worn. I looked down at my own, they weren't much better. I decided to focus on the back of Jax's head. White and messy, his hair was striped with shades of grey and black and about chin length. When we stopped in front of the door, he put his hand on the door and turned his face to me. "Are you ready?" I nodded and he opened the door, motioning for me to go first. I did, trying not to stare at him. Jax was Snow Leopard-type, and like a snow leopard, Jax was very pretty. And eat him with a spoon yummy. Irbis was also Snow Leopard. But I didn't think she was at all yummy, she was beautiful, sure, so beautiful I couldn't hold her grey gaze for long without getting chills, but she also looked like a predator. Like she'd eat me with a spoon if she could.

She sat at her desk, long black hair, spilling down her back. The other Alphas were there too, and suddenly I knew what this was about. "So you actually think I'm Phoenix now?" I asked.

"My dear Nix," Irbis started, "Your name is Phoenix, of course I do." I was surprised; Irbis had been the first to tell me that my human torch incident was just a fluke, and not to talk about it anymore. Only Foxx, and a few other ScienceHeads believed it. Foxx had been there the first time I resurrected; a steel rod shoved through my chest, and had told Irbis himself. She hushed us both, it was upsetting information she had said. So why change her mind now? The Wolf Alpha, Ulfric cleared his throat. "Perhaps we should get the meeting underway?" There was a consensus from the others and Jax directed me to a seat, in front of Irbis and next to himself, his hand on my knee. Creep. I felt the need to shake it off, but didn't. I couldn't insult him in front of all those Alphas.

"Nix," Irbis began, using my nickname. I preferred it most of the time, but it sounded harsh from her mouth. "It has come to everyone's attention after today that you possess some rather unique abilities, is that true?" What? I thought, she knows that already and I opened my mouth to tell her so when Jax applied a bit of pressure to my knee. I stopped, unsure of myself. I met his grey eyes with my golden ones. They told me to be careful. "Yes," I said, carefully, "it's true." A gasp came from Teresa, the female Alpha of the Kingdom's Pride. But Irbis ignored her and said, "Darling, why didn't you tell me before?" So she was acting like she didn't know. Saving face. I felt more pressure on my knee and I smacked Jax's hand before standing up from my seat. The room seemed nervous and excited and...hopeful?

"What's this about?" I demanded, crossing my arms and focusing hard on appearing unruffled. But I was definitely ruffled. "Well," Irbis said, standing as well. " The Alphas have come together to discuss the possibilities you present us with." What?

"What?" I said, confused.

"What do you know about the Alpha of the Dragon's Keep and it's gang?"

"His name is Drake," I recited, "Most of the New York Kingdoms bow to his. He is the only known Dragon-type in existence."

She nodded her approval, and briefly I felt proud of myself. " And you?" She asked, quirking and eyebrow. "What type are you?"

" Everyone is saying I'm Phoenix- type." I whispered, afraid, I felt like everyone might jump up and call me a liar. But no one did. Everyone just kind of held their breath, waiting.

"That's right," Irbis said. "You are. And you are the only known Phoenix -type in existence."

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