Well, some time ago I wondered what Rimuru's children would be like and what their story would be in the future. So, I decided to look for stories, but I haven't really found any focused on them, only short stories or ones abandoned after the first...
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Name: Cyrus Tempest
Parents: Rimuru Tempest, Ciel Tempest
Nicknames: The enigma Tempest
Race: Slime/Manas
Description: Cyrus Tempest, the eldest son of Rimuru and Ciel Tempest, the first prince of the kingdom of Tempest and one of the greatest warriors the world has seen rise since the end of the Temma War (He doesn't quite reach the level, but for not being from Rimuru's generation he's a beast).
He was born shortly after the end of the Great War. When he was born, he was a mana exactly like Ciel at the beginning; therefore, he grew up learning about emotions and mastering every area of training he was exposed to, quickly becoming a prodigy until he met the executives of Tempest.
After a while of training, in which he was absorbing more knowledge, tactics, skills and, above all, emotions, he realized how much he was lacking. This is why he decided to ask his father to let him go to other worlds with a time dilation so that he could learn everything he was missing and be at his level.
He went through many worlds; in some he became an angel of death, in others a savior. He learned about the areas he was lacking and even managed to develop his emotions to the point of being mistaken for a reserved person. After that, he considered it was his time to return to Tempest, where only a few years had passed.
Upon returning, he found that he had two younger sisters. After that, he was challenged to a duel by them and defeated them. After that he was accepted as the eldest. Later, he met his father, who was happy about his return and his enormous growth, even if it took him several thousand years.
After that, he took his role as first prince and fulfilled his role. For the moment he has decided to control his brothers, interact with humans and continue training.
On the other hand, he is a bit disgusted with the idea that he will one day inherit his father's throne, but until a brother who is up to the task appears, he will continue to accept that it is his destiny.
He is usually extremely reserved and serious, not showing any emotion on an always static face. Inside he is much the same, trying to keep his composure while diligently doing his job, as well as seeing everything by calculation and being quite perverse on some occasions. It is also known that he took the habit of generating his wings by flying from his father.
On the other hand, he does not usually do anything unnecessary, such as food or drink, even baths. Anything, he tries to automate it to be as efficient as possible and, if it is not necessary, he does not do it. Dinners with his family are the only time he is seen eating or drinking something.
Being the first of Rimuru's children, he has always had a fear of not living up to what is expected of him by his people. On the other hand, their greatest happiness is to be approved by their teachers or parents in some activity carried out.
Appearance of father: Rimuru
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Appearance of Mother: Ciel
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